Monday, December 12, 2016


other species fit into their environment and survive
man tries to fit his environment to him, and nobody wins.
who is better?
who is smarter?
the ones who "get it" and live accordingly. the ones who are good at being who they are and what they do.
or the ones who alter all around as they have zero comprehension of their place in the order of things. because lodged somewhere between the ego, hubris and basic ignorance is an animal.
yes, the human animal...just one of many species not THE ONE above the many species.
the alarm is shrieking, there is no snooze button on extinction and destruction.
wake up humans before the eternal sleep you have place on other species offers its pillow to you, too.

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I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings