Friday, January 31, 2025

Happy Friday

 Happy fun filled Friday beautiful friends 

❤️🦜💚🦜🪶Friday is so very sweet 

But it’s always time for the agony of 

Da feet😀

January 31st is international zebra day


January 31st is international zebra day 



we hide our gripes
between our stripes.
no time to whine
and or moan.
we are busy living
zebra life
and hoping lions,crocs
and hunters leave
us alone.
so b*tch we not
our lines not blurred.
we are busy surviving
as you have

Need some solid conservation to save our zebra 🦓 nation 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Happy lunar new year

 ❤️🐍happy new year🐍❤️

Curmudgeon daze


January 29 is curmudgeons day 

 Yes  my humans are often in high dudgeon 

But that’s okay because today 

We celebrate the curmudgeon 

We honor thems who grouse and bitch

As long as when I want scritches 

They scratch my itch 

So crab 🦀 and blab 

Go on and complain the day away 

But in between the aforementioned 

I still da parrot 

And you still obey🤪

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖dats me 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 😀

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January 28th is daisy day

 lazy daisy still loves to play.

she wants the cold weather
to go away.
she wishes that there was
something she could do.
guess what, pretty flower
some of us agree
with you.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Little winter robin

 Little winter robin 

On branches glistening 

Waits for spring 

But the sky is 

Not listening 

January is adopt a rescue bird month


january is adopt a feathered friend month
i waves to you to say hello
i a busy birdieman so
i gotta go
but this i wants you all to know.
feathers do not make the birdiegirl or man
our hearts run our engines
the best we can.
even if lush looking we do not seem
your kindness and love is of what
we dream.
perfection is not something found
by the eyes.
it beats in our hearts
a most perfect surprise.
so if you wish to adopt an
avian guy or gal
we plucky birds will be
your bestest pals.
and those of us, who like me
cannot fly
love takes us into the clouds
and we touch the sky
thank you

And don’t forget the seniors…old is better than gold 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

January 26 is national spouse day


Today is national spouse day

 ❤️happy national spouse day❤️and sweet Sunday  toooooo

Today we celebrate our partner  or spouse

Unless of course they are a louse

Who comes up with these celebrations

What comes next

A day to celebrate an ex?

😃mamabeaky sketch of Papabeaky and I da parrot❤️🪶🦜💚👑

Strangely enough it is also dental 🦷 drill appreciation there perhaps for some, a connection🤪

Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 25th is national opposite day

A day we celebrate opposition 

As more than a mere supposition 

We can gleefully and contrary be 

Including choosing to agree

Betcha didn’t expect that

Teee heeee


Friday, January 24, 2025

Eat and run

 Unlike humans 

We have no time

To dine 

We eat and run

For us that is fine 

January 24th is also global belly laugh day


laugh long, 
laugh hard,
laugh until it 
give the blues
and sadness,
their just 

Happy national peanut butter day

 ❤️🦜🪶💚happy Friday 

Hip nip hooray

It’s national peanut butter day

And daddy has to feed  me

This way😋

It’s a king 👑 thing 

We boids deserve 

We born to rule

Human created to serve😀

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Special needs senior 

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream



Thursday, January 23, 2025

The whirled

 The world so out of orbit 


hard to absorb it 

Why negativity 

Is human proclivity 

Is being kind not cool

But being other(un)wise 

Is being a fool 

National handwriting day

❤️happy thoisday and January 23 is national handwriting day❤️

 Oops your human fingers slipped 

That chicken scratch ain’t script 

On them fingers we boidies

Love  to nibble…

Perhaps that will 

Improve your scribbles😀

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wonderful Wednesday wishes

 ❤️Happy Wednesday everyboidies❤️

My Papabeaky loves to play

And cuddle with me


Love is one of life’s

Great joys

But humans make such

Silly noise❤️💚🪶🦜😀

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Special needs senior 

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Remember angel


pink hearts and blue waters...for angel and all the angels at taiji

pink hearts and blue waters we wish for you.
to make up for all the sadness that you have
been through.
to help you heal, to grow big and strong.
it is so hard, without a mother, 
to get along.
how lost you feel without a pod
of your kind.
but alone you are not,
we are all of one mind♥

January 21st is national hugging day

  A hug will always bring a smile 

Be it face to face or 

Across the miles


Squirrel appreciation day is January 21st

  Hey hey look my way❤️🐿️

January 21st is 

National squirrel appreciation day

Look at me 

Cute as can be 

Smart and crafty too

Kinda like you

Except I have 

A bushy tail 

And dance in trees

Bet you wish you 

Could be like me 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Blue Monday is january 20th

 Blue Monday

Try your dirty deed 

I am immune 

Cause I magic Mikey chews the 

Magic beads

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Special needs senior 

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream



 We are rhinos and we love to graze

In the sun, we laze
But poachers will not
Leave us alone
If you want a horn,grow one of your own!

January 20th is penguin awareness day

 Winds and ice,

Not very nice.
But mom and dad
Make it not so bad.

There are several species of us.
But some of us are endangered:

Sunday, January 19, 2025

When the noise

 When the noise is too loud and clear 

Inner thoughts one cannot hear 

Find a place 

Where it is  quiet 

And gentle 

Soft and loving


Sun daze

 ❤️happy Sunday have some fun day❤️

No time for fuss

No time for ceremony

Or pomp

I finds a sock filled

With human toes

And I gonna



Saturday, January 18, 2025


 ❤️🦜💚🪶🎶happy Saturday with bugs boidie 🐇👑

Breakfast time

Cloudy or sunny

With my favorite cartoon

Bugs bunny

My old humans watch too

That pretty funny

January 18th is national tulip day

Road tulips 

Cars etcetera 
Step aside
Mother Nature 
Comes along 
For the ride…

Winter 🥶 too
We’re talking to

Friday, January 17, 2025

Thank you life

 Such a joy to greet the day 

Watching our little one 
Preen and play

January 17th is day of judgement

 Sit down humans 

Do not budge 

We be boidies

And you we judge 🧑‍⚖️ 

We watch, assess and obsoive 

Everything you do and say

You on permanent probation 

And this won’t go away 

Relax and don’t go overboard 

Just do as we demand 

And serve your feathered overlords


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Appreciate a dragon day part II

 I am the bestest



the truth ain’t braggin

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Keeper of two humans

And I da boidie makes tree 

DNA tested make with an ovary 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream



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About Me

My photo
I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings