Happy fun filled Friday beautiful friends
❤️🦜💚🦜🪶Friday is so very sweet
But it’s always time for the agony of
Da feet😀
❤️🦜💚🦜🪶Friday is so very sweet
But it’s always time for the agony of
Da feet😀
Yes my humans are often in high dudgeon
But that’s okay because today
We celebrate the curmudgeon
We honor thems who grouse and bitch
As long as when I want scritches
They scratch my itch
So crab 🦀 and blab
Go on and complain the day away
But in between the aforementioned
I still da parrot
And you still obey🤪
MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖dats me
Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 😀
And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary
Keeper of two humans
And boidie makes tree
❤️happy national spouse day❤️and sweet Sunday toooooo
Today we celebrate our partner or spouse
Unless of course they are a louse
Who comes up with these celebrations
What comes next
A day to celebrate an ex?
😃mamabeaky sketch of Papabeaky and I da parrot❤️🪶🦜💚👑
Strangely enough it is also dental 🦷 drill appreciation day..is there perhaps for some, a connection🤪
A day we celebrate opposition
As more than a mere supposition
We can gleefully and contrary be
Including choosing to agree
Betcha didn’t expect that
Teee heeee
❤️🦜🪶💚happy Friday
Hip nip hooray
It’s national peanut butter day
And daddy has to feed me
It’s a king 👑 thing
We boids deserve
We born to rule
Human created to serve😀
MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me
Special needs senior
DNA tested male with an ovary
Keeper of two humans
And boidie makes tree
Brat supreme and maestro of da scream
The world so out of orbit
Why negativity
Is human proclivity
Is being kind not cool
But being other(un)wise
Is being a fool
❤️happy thoisday and January 23 is national handwriting day❤️
Oops your human fingers slipped
That chicken scratch ain’t script
On them fingers we boidies
Love to nibble…
Perhaps that will
Improve your scribbles😀
My Papabeaky loves to play
And cuddle with me
Love is one of life’s
Great joys
But humans make such
Silly noise❤️💚🪶🦜😀
MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me
Special needs senior
DNA tested male with an ovary
Keeper of two humans
And boidie makes tree
Brat supreme and maestro of da scream
Hey hey look my way❤️🐿️
January 21st is
National squirrel appreciation day
Look at me
Cute as can be
Smart and crafty too
Kinda like you
Except I have
A bushy tail
And dance in trees
Bet you wish you
Could be like me
Try your dirty deed
I am immune
Cause I magic Mikey chews the
Magic beads
MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me
Special needs senior
DNA tested male with an ovary
Keeper of two humans
And boidie makes tree
Brat supreme and maestro of da scream
Winds and ice,
Not very nice.
But mom and dad
Make it not so bad.
There are several species of us.
But some of us are endangered:
Inner thoughts one cannot hear
Find a place
Where it is quiet
And gentle
Soft and loving
❤️happy Sunday have some fun day❤️
No time for fuss
No time for ceremony
Or pomp
I finds a sock filled
With human toes
And I gonna
Breakfast time
Cloudy or sunny
With my favorite cartoon
Bugs bunny
My old humans watch too
That pretty funny
Sit down humans
Do not budge
We be boidies
And you we judge 🧑⚖️
We watch, assess and obsoive
Everything you do and say
You on permanent probation
And this won’t go away
Relax and don’t go overboard
Just do as we demand
And serve your feathered overlords
the truth ain’t braggin
MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me
Keeper of two humans
And I da boidie makes tree
DNA tested make with an ovary
Brat supreme and maestro of da scream