Saturday, January 18, 2025


 ❤️🦜💚🪶🎶happy Saturday with bugs boidie 🐇👑

Breakfast time

Cloudy or sunny

With my favorite cartoon

Bugs bunny

My old humans watch too

That pretty funny

January 18th is national tulip day

Road tulips 

Cars etcetera 
Step aside
Mother Nature 
Comes along 
For the ride…

Winter 🥶 too
We’re talking to

Friday, January 17, 2025

Thank you life

 Such a joy to greet the day 

Watching our little one 
Preen and play

January 17th is day of judgement

 Sit down humans 

Do not budge 

We be boidies

And you we judge 🧑‍⚖️ 

We watch, assess and obsoive 

Everything you do and say

You on permanent probation 

And this won’t go away 

Relax and don’t go overboard 

Just do as we demand 

And serve your feathered overlords


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Appreciate a dragon day part II

 I am the bestest



the truth ain’t braggin

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Keeper of two humans

And I da boidie makes tree 

DNA tested make with an ovary 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream


January 16th is appreciate a dragon day


Dragonfyre part I

 there was a time when the world was inhabited by men and dragons. together they forged an alliance, based upon mutual trust and respect. the dragons ruled the skies, soaring, playing, searching for caves. they would go on man's land to feed, but only took what man himnself did not need.

man, ruled the earth. he planted, he hunted for food, clothing, shelter. he never lay bare a species of plant or animal, always leaving enough for his winged brethren. he looked to the skies with wonder; dragons flying, birds gliding effortlessly. he did not aim any weaponry at that domain. the sky was not his.

men had settlements scattered everywhere. dragons picked caves close enough to keep a watchful eye, but far enough away for privacy. this alliance was a sound one, but maintained by a sense of sleeping with one eye open. this co-existence proved beneficial to both parties.

the dragons would breathe enough fire to clear land for man to build. the humans would not hunt any wildlife, so the dragons had an ample supply of food. water was bountiful and both species peacefully shared. the earth was green, lush and plentiful, trees growing where trees were meant to grow, hot desert sands in their place, warm languid rainforests flourished.

the dragons surveyed all on this planet. it is said that men would not go anywhere that the dragons had not gone to first. it is also said that the dragons would only take man to places he could live safely, and in harmony, with.

for centuries, the planet and all its inhabitants thrived under this well forged partnership. the garden was never depleted, by man, dragon or mother earth. the earth mother was pleased with her children, and regalled them gentle weather. storms teased but were never torrential. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Happy national hat day

 ❤️happy Wednes-wear it well-day❤️

National hat day

Is today

Hip hip nip fingers hooray

Some hats are hip

Some simply astound

But every day

I wears a crown

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

DNA tested male with an ovary

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream

Keeper of two humans

Ans boidie makes tree



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I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings