Monday, September 2, 2024

September 3rd is telephone Tuesday

 Anudda Howz bayou day

Today is telephone Tuesday 
My mommy pretend  she gonna chat
Well…I don’t know about dat
This silly old phone 📞
Looks like fun to chew
(And dat cord looks
Ridiculous too😄)
P.S. it don’t really woik… 
It’s telefaux🤪
Sometimes humans 
Are joiks

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I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings