Monday, September 16, 2024

Remember the love

 Remember the love we share 

The moments the feelings

The faces the places 

When patches got rough 

Being we two was 


Under the warming sun 


The clouds of age 

The caring 

Soul baring sharing 

Reticence or daring 

We were you and I 

And we

Could be 

By love,


Love is simply 

To beautiful to 


Sunday, September 15, 2024


 A warm and cozy spot to find 


Pleases the senses

Eases the mind 

That touches a place 

So hard to reach for 

The part of the heart

That greets us

As we open the door 

Happy Sunday

 ❤️🦜🪶💚good Sunday morning everyboidie💚🪶🦜❤️

Beautiful last Sunday of summer 

Autumn 🍂 so pretty 

Winter a bummer 

Spring does its renewal thing 

I wants a perfect breakfast 

Yum yum and yummer

Sometimes mommy poetry is absoid 

What can I say

I ams a boid

Smarter than humans 

Cuter too 

No fuss 

(Whatever good does false modesty 

Do for any of us)


MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Is it

 Nighty sweet night
A thought to ponder 
Before off to bed
We wander😀💻
A matter of zero significance 
So mommy 
What the beaks the difference
Both are catchy 
One outrageous 
The other not nice 
And rather contagious 

❤️ you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


In life

 In life we sit 

In life we flit 

We try to make 

The best of it

The game is such 

The rules sometimes change 

We grow as we go 

But our hearts stay

The same


Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the

 ❤️good morning❤️

When you suddenly realize the sinister nature of your bathtub🛀😳😃

Our special spot

 As summer hopes we all do a

Forget me not

We enjoy our special

Autumn spot


With a flamingo 🦩 photobomb😃

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 12th is world dolphin day


the dream of the dolphin

The dream of the dolphin 
is to swim free
Unmolested by humanity
To glide under water
Leap into the sky
Revel in ocean beauty
Each day that goes by

My 10 year anniversary of adopting two humans

 ❤️happy Friday minus ➖ one 1️⃣ 

10 year anniversary of adopting my humans

Come join da fun🎉

My life was sad

Yeah it was bad

Not much love  nor fun I had

Then a wonderful rescue took me in

And were so kind

And found me my two humans

So I leaves all the past behind

we  all celebrate every day

And living life

The magic Mikey way


So never give up critters out there… some humans are good and will serve their feathered, furry, scaly and or finned overlords lovingly!

❤️ you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


Wednesday, September 11, 2024



for just a moment...9/11/01 through.....

for just a moment
as we
for just a moment
can we believe.
can we embrace
a better place.

for just a moment

a loving, peaceful

we honor those who perished
we remember those we cherish.

For Shimmer

 I know somewhere 

You rest up there 

The brightest light 


Day and night 

Your spirit larger 

Than the sky 

This may be a farewell 

But never a goodbye 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Before and aft

 Before and aft 

We took a chance 

Stepped cautiously forward

Asked to dance 

We did not know

What the dance would 

Lead to 

But step by step

We make it through 

Our music our time….

Your chance to rhyme 


 Tomorrow we honor all those affected by 9/11.  We honor all the heroes. 

We pray that hate will go away 

We pray for peace 

That wars will cease 

But without acceptance 

And tolerance 

For all the above 

There is no chance 

So instead of seeing what

Sets us apart 

Look at what makes

Us one

Today is the best time to start 

Love is everything

K 9/11 hearts


K 9/11 hearts 

there so many heroes on that day. so many lives lost, hearts broken.
we applaud those who rose above the smoke and ash, who gave of themselves, this perhap their last gift.
we mourn the lost and the fallen
we pray for better
can we all just learn to love, accept diferences and grow from that acceptance?
or is this question just rhetorical

k 9/11 hearts
They stand by their person
Tall and proud
Waiting for each command

By hand signal or aloud
Their paws are so tired
They are cut until raw
But they keep on going
Keep looking for more
Into the rubble into the fray
Not fearing trouble
Will someone be saved today.
Eyes tearing from smoke
They plow straight ahead
As they cough and they choke
Perhaps wishing for bed
Tirelessly devoted doing their best
At the end of the long day
Head on their person’s chest
Knowing tomorrow
Will be more of this sorrow

Monday, September 9, 2024

Dove largo

 I get to the feed spot early 

In order to maintain my girth so huge 

Before, by pigeons, squirrels 🐿️ starlings


And cardinals 

The feed will be deluged 

Then  sit I contented on this gate 

Knowing I did not leave much 

For the others

Amused I wait 

Pretty little dove framed in green

 Pretty little dove 

Framed in green

Where are you going 

What have you seen

Who do you know 

Where have you been

Pretty little dove 

Framed  in green


Pink river dolphins

 We live in pink river dolphin paradise.

But some help from man would

Be so nice.

Our numbers decreasing, our

World shrinking fast.

Without your kind help,

Our kind will not last.

September 9th is wonderful weirdos day


 On this and every day we celebrate 

Those so called oddballs who create 

Whose paths are lined with 

Silly stuff 

That helps them cope when 

Things get rough 

So take out your freaky deaky flags 

Wave them high 

Whatever “normal” is 

Kiss it goodbye 

So sayeth my ridiculous humans

And I 

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8th is Star Trek day


 Greetings humans, 


Klingons, romulans

And all federations

Today we celebrate 

Our star trek nation


To boldly go…

Too close to my beak 

The bite may be with you

As we “speak “

Oops that star wars 

I messed up

Earth to Scotty 

Beam me up 😀❤️🪶🦜

#StarTrek #StarTrekDay

Friday, September 6, 2024


 I think I doing reps a plenty 

For my beakcercise

My humans think a kiss

I meant-y 

Oooh boy they gonna be 



Chomp chomp

A joyful romp

❤️ you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


I am pigeon

 I am pigeon 

And in the vernacular

We pigeons are 


With colors vibrant 

And our cooing calls

We pigeons

Have it all

Although some of you

Do not understand 

Those who do 

Know we are grand 


Thursday, September 5, 2024

When I fly

 The reasons that i fly 

Are many 

And why 

I do so 

Only I know


The full


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 I have a little white feather

That is beginning to fall 

Well, it is almost autumn,

After all 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Almost gotcha day

 Almost 10 years ago I ascended this throne

So da humans would not feels alone 
They missed their pteribird 
So sad they be
But her beautiful spirit 
Sent them me
Happy almost gotcha day


 If we live our lives in triplicate 

How do we make the most of it 

Bogged down by the was 

Ifs and back thens

Where is there room

For the whens 

The whatever comes

Will do just that

But we are in the now 

And that’s a fact

So if we live 
this life in triplicate 

We are missing most of it

Monday, September 2, 2024

Birds are love


September 3rd is telephone Tuesday

 Anudda Howz bayou day

Today is telephone Tuesday 
My mommy pretend  she gonna chat
Well…I don’t know about dat
This silly old phone 📞
Looks like fun to chew
(And dat cord looks
Ridiculous too😄)
P.S. it don’t really woik… 
It’s telefaux🤪
Sometimes humans 
Are joiks


 We are older, in some ways not quite as strong 

We have seen much, done

 much as we went along

But still you put us on a shelf

When you look at your inner mirror 

Do you see the future dusty version of 


No need to see us through eyes reverential 

But we are a living tome of 

Life, experiential 

It really hurts to be silently told

That you are of less value

Because you are old 

Sunday, September 1, 2024


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About Me

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I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings