Sunday, August 4, 2024

You were you are

 A man who lived by his wits and thoughts 

Who learned the most from what 

His life had taught 

Who understood others

And accepted them

As they were 

Who understood that love

Means love 

Whether or not one concurs 

Who expressed his feelings 

Agreed with or not

A man of courage and a strength

That most of us have not 

You were you are 

Loved, admired 


Your legacy a life

Lived as you directed 

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I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings