Saturday, December 21, 2024

December 21st is national crossword puzzle day


Hip hip hippie hooray

It’s national crossword puzzle day 

Mommy tries to answer the clues 

(Cheats with her iPad 

She often dooz)

And even worse she uses a 🖊️ pen 

Though she gets correct answers now and then 

Don’t worry mommy if you can’t do it 

I’ll be more than glad to chew it😀

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans and boidie makes tree 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 


Little green shredding machine 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Sol stiss

 Is there a poultice 

For the winter 


I guess that thing

Is called 


Joy filled


Today is national underdog day

 🥰happy underdog day🥰

Today is national under(bird)dog day

When we the different come out to play

We embrace and celebrate all our uniques

Even we who have humans 

That are nerds and geeks 

(Dats you mommy 😀)

So flap your wings stand up and cheer

We are all winners over here 

Love from I magicmikeycuteasaurus T🦖wrecks and wrecks some more ,keeper of two humans and overlord of my domain 👑🤴🏻🤴🏻❤️🦜🪶

Thursday, December 19, 2024

A spark

 Hope has a spark even in the dark 

Sun finds a way through the clouds

Every second that we mark

Sings like a lark



Or out loud

Wednesday, December 18, 2024



 People obtain by whatever means, birds as pets. First off..:birds are not our pets, we are their guardians. Secondly, birds are not suited for captivity and most people are not suited for birds.  Thirdly, birds are not toys, display objects, or ego boosters . A bird is intellectually capable of learning anything bird wants to do, not what your will tries to bend bird to do.  Fourth, birds are loud…yes even little ones.  They have a lot to say and will do so on their schedule, not yours. They are meant to live in wild, open, large spaces, where volume is a necessity. Fifth, some birds have a long life span…perhaps longer than a humans..:are you truly prepared for what this means.  And last but most, not least..:birds need attention and a lot of love.

And do your homework… being a bird guardian is being on a permanent learning curve 

Can you give it? Can you live it!!!

Happy wet dragon Wednesday



More than a tad daft 

But they have less than nothing 

On our magic Mikey 

Wet dragon hovercraft 

Tech just cannot compete 

With a beaky nose

And boidie feets 

So there😀pfffft 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Happy tooz

 ❤️💚🪶🦜happy tongue out tooz a la 👑 king to all o youze🦜🪶💚❤️

Silly does as silly is 

Nuttin quite like 

The silly biz

Monday, December 16, 2024




depression is real.

depression does not go away because you want it too..

depression does not discriminate...and takes no prisoners.

depression kills...the soul, the spirit and the very lives it possesses.

depressions breaks the hearts of those who care.

please, at holiday times.. remember and support those who are depressed, as holidays can magnify the isolation that is depression.

thank you.

A new week

Flying into a week brand new 

Hope this week 

Brings joy to you 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Desert dreamscape

 We walk through our night 

Desert dreamscape

In our sights 

Stars twinkling the way

Until the next day 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Good morning


Those on the move

Or those who need a 

Little nudge 

We boids are royalty 

And you are being judged 

Teehee squawk tweet or cluck

Your fate is in our claws 

Nyuk yuk 

That all we gots to say 

Have you all a most wonderful day 


Friday, December 13, 2024

My shadow

 My shadow often accompanies me

And is such pleasant company 

December 13th is national horse day

 Today we honor a being a magnificent beauty 

A force 

Today we celebrate the horse 

A magical creature 

Who lives for his/her herd 

Who speaks in great volume 

Without saying a word

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Her grandmother sang

 Her grandmother sang, trembling

loud and clear 

As those around her decided not to hear 

The sweet sad depth of her tones

Filled with tears  


Heartaches beating from far and near 

Still resounding after all the years 

Oh what tragedies she silently bore

she sang when she could contain them no more

Little girl hopes in high octave tones

The low notes would follow 

She felt so alone 

If only…


 They light up the sky 

We cannot say



 From god comes love

From love comes god.

Fallen petals



 Fallen flower

Petals faded 

Surrounded by a world

Sad and jaded 

As still she lay

Dreaming of the sun

That kissed her petals 

When she was still young 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The imagine-nation

  The little junco

Thinks he is a plane 

Then  changes his mind

When he thinks 


Happy wingsday

 Oh it is so good to fly 

It’s just what I do

Don’t ask me why


The nakee shakee

 🎶Oooh my domicile looks like a lake

Cause I dooz the nakee shake 

More water on the floor 

Than in the ocean

So much fun

Soggy poetry 

In motion🎶

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 😀

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


Happiness is a wet dragon 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Holiday prayer


whatever deity you be,
i ask you with great piety.
please find a way to shelter
the lost,
the ones abandoned, like garbage
so tossed.
the ones now homeless because
their loved one is gone,
the ones neglected or spat upon.
the ones whose hearts beat as
loud as our own.
please find a way to get these
angels a home ♥

December 10th is international animal rights day and human rights day


December 10

 Today is international animal rights day and human rights day 

ALL beings belong here 

ALL beings are of divine inspiration 

Tolerance, acceptance and love can save this world 

There is NO room for hate!

Embrace differences and grow from that knowledge 

Our world is just that…OUR world as a collective WE and we the human animal species must learn to share.

Monday, December 9, 2024

New week

 ❤️🪶🐦☮️Happy Monday 

A new week flies in

For a landing 

We hope your week

Is most 


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday wingsfeed

 Ah the food 

So good

Time to fly 

Until tomorrow 

We pidgies say 



Saturday, December 7, 2024


❤️happy Saturday beautiful world❤️

Hello weekend bring it on

There’s a world out there 

Of fingers to bite upon 

Here I assume my fighting stance 

Anybody out there wanna 

Take a chance

How about a little dance 🕺 


MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

Special needs senior

Proud of my seniority

DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream📣



Friday, December 6, 2024

To my friends

 To my friends I fly

My flock 

My gals and guys 

Time together 

No matter the weather 


Happy Friday

 ❤️the gift of today

Enjoy it your way

Of course being as cute as I

Not very hard do I have to try❤️

Back to dr later today 

So now it is time to play

Thursday, December 5, 2024

A well

 Blessings are a well 

We do not  have to dig deep

We are blessed each day

That we wake up from sleep

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wings r

 Wings are magical
Yes they be 
We humans can only 
Dream of them

Alfa bot


There’s a boidie on TV 

Why dat boidie 

Staring  at me😀

Perhaps cause I as cool 

As can be

I magicmikeycuteasarus🦖T

International cheetah day

 Speed, beauty, grace,

A world without cheetahs
Would make no sense!
Every day is world cheetah day!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Fleet of flock

 the earth below 

How do we seem

Like images from a 

Waking dream 

As we simplify navigate 

Where we have to go 

We cannot wait 

We fly

 We fly we flutter

Not a sound we utter

As our wings serenade

The winds gently 



Blog Archive

About Me

My photo
I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings