Even in stillness
There is motion
Of love, loss
and devotion
Thoughts and dreams
Hopes and schemes
Running the gamut
Of our emotions
musings and confusings
There is motion
Of love, loss
and devotion
Thoughts and dreams
Hopes and schemes
Running the gamut
Of our emotions
How I look upon the world
How the world sees me
Perceptions change
And some are strange
Others based on
Humans are ridiculous
Silly and absoid
Gleefully not meticulous
(Me so glad that I
A boid😀)
What do you think is more absoid
Being a human or being a boid
We boids who fly
Do so au naturel
You humans need airplanes
And they sometimes smell
We boidies have a powerful
Mighty intelligence
You humans think you do
And dar makes no sense
Oh well a poipose humans soive
Treating us in the way
We overlords desoive
The sparrow is a funny bird
Peeps and leaps
He loves to be heard
Flitting fast
Not one to linger about
A mighty little noise
That has no need
To shout