Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Global Beatles day

 Yeah yeah yeah 

Hip hippest hooray 

Today is global Beatles day 

When peace and love were the rules

And hate was relegated only to fools

Aah the so called good old days 

Too bad the lovefest  was just a phase 

❤️🎶🦜💚🪶peace love music and parrots☮️

Monday, June 24, 2024

Where did it go


A soft

 A soft center nurtured 

By kind and gentle thoughts

Will always look forward 

Even when it seems all is

For naught

For kindness

Fuels  strength 

And this power 

Of goodness

Will grow to any 


❤️love all 

all love❤️

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Happy Sunday

 ❤️💚🪶🦜🎶happy Sunday everyboidie

Take a whiff 

Get yer parrot and take a sniff

Breathe deep 

Enjoy the smell

We sniffers are a little nuts 

(As if you couldn’t tell😄)

Beat the heat wave 

With an aromatherapy 



Saturday, June 22, 2024

A dandelion

 A dandelion does not ask why 

When it is time to say goodbye 

He lets his spirit soar into bliss

As softly it flows into 

Nature’s kiss 

Making room for others to seed 

Such is the life 

Of this wise old 


Happy Saturday

 ❤️🦜🪶💚happy Saturday everyboidie 

I won’t biteses so hard 

I gives you my woidie😃😘🦖

It's national kissing day

We continue yesterday state of play

So step right up welcome aboard

You gots nothing to fear (Cept my beakysnoot  sharp

As a sword🗡️😃)

you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


Friday, June 21, 2024


 Although your outer beauty 

Has faded and lost 

Youths kiss 

You and your life

Are worth far more 

Than this 

World giraffe day is June 21st


no i am not one of mother nature’s gaffes
i am basically, a baby giraffe
so you still do not get it,
ah what the heck
i am also a life support system
for my long legs and long neck
leave us alone i know you can
stupid selfish
hunter man

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Mommy is a bit summer obsessed 

Daddy and I thinks she should give it a rest😄

Summer love from I, MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖here busy biting on earth and my beautiful sister pteribird in heaven 

❤️💚🪶🦜ultimate cold winter poultice is a hot hot hot summer solstice🌞🔥

Okay…maybe not dat hot😄

#summervibes #summersolstice

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Nighty night

 May your dreams be flowers 

Scattered and bright 
As they share your hours 
Until the morning light 

Kindness is everything


Happy wet dragon Wednesday

 ❤️🪶🦜💚happy wet dragon Wednesday everyboidie 💚🦜🪶❤️

Gonna be a heat wave 

In our nabe 

Mommy like it

But not daddy fave 

If weather hot and 

Sweaty for you too

This what I recommends

You do…

Fill a water bowl 

Take a bathie 

Make a mess

And when humans fuss

Start to laughie

As soon as place is dry

And neat…

As da saying goes…

Lather rinse repeat😃🐉🐲🌊

you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


Posted by karen lyons kalmenson at 6:21 AMI’m 

Monday, June 17, 2024

History and generations

 We are histories  and generations 

Accumulated over time 

And more 

Legends cherished

And spread through lore

Some distortions 

Scattered among the facts

Omissions glaring 

Through the cracks 

Yet live we do

Amongst the glorious rubble 

As hope and wishes gather 

In a huddle 


Animal rights awareness week

 June 17th through June 24th is animal rights awareness week 

We stand together every day 

Hoping that animal abuse 

Will go away

United we are in this fight 

To honor all animals 

And protect their rights

And we will never give up or give in

Kindness to all is the “winnest” of all 

Win wins 


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pink Hearts and blue waters


pink hearts and blue waters...for angel and all the angels at taiji

pink hearts and blue waters we wish for you.
to make up for all the sadness that you have
been through.
to help you heal, to grow big and strong.
it is so hard, without a mother, 
to get along.
how lost you feel without a pod
of your kind.
but alone you are not,
we are all of one mind♥


June 15th is national smile power day

 A healthy, happy, hearty grin

May cause smile lines and wrinkles

(And lift your jowls and chin😃)

Smile and perhaps others

Will smile too 

A smile can be as contagious 

As the flu

Friday, June 14, 2024

Happy wing flex Friday

 ❤️🪶🦜💚Happy wing flex Friday💚🦜🪶❤️

Dream big move forward

My wings open so wide

I pretend that I can fly

With my daddy at my side

A great dragon dinosaur

I can be


you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


Thursday, June 13, 2024

No comprendo

 Never understood why some anxiety is called free floating…when you feel like you are

sinking under the weight of it

June 13th is pigeon appreciation day

 ❤️🪶🐦June 13th is pigeon appreciation day🐦🪶❤️

Pigeons are perfection

Poetic grace

Feathers in symmetry

Whether in flight

Or in their

Favorite place



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12th is red rose day

 A loving heart 

Is the most fragrant rose 

Wherever it plants a seed

Kindness grows 

Floating above 

Then so gently it lands 

A loving heart lives 

To understand 

Each beat a moment 

Of beauty and hope 

We are all intertwined 

In life’s magical rope 

So love yourself 

And the greatness you can be 

As we all share our visions

And clarity 


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Have a totally terrific tuneful Tuesday

 You have a voice 

You deserve to be heard
Even if your voice is 
Not spoken in words 
Those who are silent 
Or choose to sing 
When your voice speaks
It is everything 

Another day

 Another day

Is like no other

A gift

A song

A way

To play

To reminisce

To find your joy


Natures sweet kiss


Monday, June 10, 2024

The ragged beauty of the indomitable spirit


the ragged beauty of the indomitable spirit

some of us have not had downy soft lives.
we have stumbles, not all of our own making.
some of our battle scars are within,
hidden to the eye, but visible to those
who can see our breaking hearts,
some of our wounds are all too apparent.
and there is no looking away.
do not pity us. we do not pity ourselves.
we are too busy living.
we are survivors, still here to do battle
with the torments from within,
and whatever life throws at us.
we are here to love,
and to be loved.
we have not given up nor will
we ever.
we look forward, feathers or no
perfect, not in our outer trappings,
but in the ragged beauty of our
indomitable spirit.

courage has its own
magical embrace♥

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Happy Sunday

 ❤️🦜💚🪶have a sweet sunday(and sundae 🍧)everyboidie🪶💚🦜❤️

Dis human trying to kiss me 

Ifs I moves fast

Maybe she’ll miss me 

Or if I turns to the left or the right 

The beaky kiss she thinks she gonna gets 

Will turn into a bites😆

you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree



 A little visit to nature’s realm

Puts love and gratitude 
At the helm
Away from the dramas 
And troubles, brewed 
To see the world 
From a different 
Point of view

Friday, June 7, 2024


 🧡haaaaappy friiiiiiiday❤️

When mommy and daddy used to work 

Outta the home 

They would say 

Oh how we live for TGIF day 

Now them too oldies work exclusively for me

And Friday to them is just another day 

Of boidie worshipry 


Yeah dat right 

Love squawks cuddles 

And beakybites 

you know know me…MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖special needs 

Proud of my seniority 

Brat supreme and maestro of da scream 

And the usual DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans

And boidie makes tree


World oceans day, week, month…always

A world of wonder,
Where mysteries remain
This magic place
Has not been the same.

We have sadly assumed this world
Is forever,
But if we do not change our ways
This world will be for never.

So please stand up for our waters
Before it is too late
We the earth mother’s sons and daughters.

Our oceans we celebrate!!!



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About Me

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I am a proud senior, forever hippie, who has incorporated the peace and love vibe into the technosphere of the 21st century. Gratitude and love of all beings is what I live for and how I live. My husband and I are guardians of pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey a special needs senior parrot, whose intelligence and love is beautiful and humbling. Blessings