Tuesday, September 10, 2024

K 9/11 hearts


K 9/11 hearts 

there so many heroes on that day. so many lives lost, hearts broken.
we applaud those who rose above the smoke and ash, who gave of themselves, this perhap their last gift.
we mourn the lost and the fallen
we pray for better
can we all just learn to love, accept diferences and grow from that acceptance?
or is this question just rhetorical

k 9/11 hearts
They stand by their person
Tall and proud
Waiting for each command

By hand signal or aloud
Their paws are so tired
They are cut until raw
But they keep on going
Keep looking for more
Into the rubble into the fray
Not fearing trouble
Will someone be saved today.
Eyes tearing from smoke
They plow straight ahead
As they cough and they choke
Perhaps wishing for bed
Tirelessly devoted doing their best
At the end of the long day
Head on their person’s chest
Knowing tomorrow
Will be more of this sorrow

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