Tuesday, September 2, 2008

she sat, staring out the window, not at anything in particular, just staring...the blue sky was illuminated by the beckoning sunshine.  there were trees, still green but touched with shades of yellow. change was in the air. she breathed it in as she walked to the bus stop early in the morning.

she watched the people milling about outside, thinking they were so lucky not to be trapped indoors, as she was, doing something that her circumstances deemed necessary but was so not in her heart to do.

many autumns had passed through her life. she was still wallowing in her predicament.

there were times when she merrily skipped through her days, deep feelings staying deep, where they could not do her any harm.

and there were times, like these, when they surfaced, along with the requisite hand in hand self pity and anger.  time was snarling at her. it could bite at any moment. she wanted to do something before it was too late, but what, was she too old?

the phone at her desk rang shrilly. she turned her head away from what lay outside the window. back to dealing with what was enclosed behind it.

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