Sunday, September 7, 2008

it was another glorious sunday at the beach. the breeze was quite accomodating, making their boardwalk stroll seem shorter.  they held hands, their bodies touching at the arms and shoulders, feet in unison. people walked by, most either smiling or laughing.  children ran ahead of their adults stopping to look back from time to time. feeling reassured, they darted ahead again

the seagulls flew lower than usual, taking full advantage of the breeze, hovering happily, while occasionally dropping a gift onto an unsuspecting beachcomber. geese and gulls mingled peacefully on the sand.

they approached the railing to look at the ocean. the wave surges were fierce, white caps breaking forcefully along the shoreline. their hands remained interlocked, their bodies brushing against each other.

they walked down to the water. people everywhere revelled in this late summer bounty.. children, teenagers, all shapes and permutations, united in appreciation of nature's untameable beauty.

the day before was stormy, very stormy, this day was calm with a kinder wind. the ocean still raged, only hinting at the potential of its full fury.\

they stood at the water's edge, breathing in this luxury, luxuriating in each other


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