Thursday, November 30, 2023

Stand proud

 Stand proud stand true

In the essence of you

This is who you are 

And why you do 

That is the beauty 

The meaning of you 

Do not let anyone call up on

The sword you refuse to fall upon 

Never let harsh words spoken by those 


pierce your heart so

Filled with love and caring 

Bend a bit but never break 

Your self esteem is something 

No one can ever take 

A new

 ❤️🦜🪶💚happy birthday to anyone and everyone who came into this world by whatever means necessary on this day . In fact if you are here today, you are reborn today…

Okay enough pheathered philosophy…I gots a long day of biting and cuddling ahead me and a visit to my doctor office for more biting and their lovingly cautious attempts at cuddling my bad boidie self💚🦜🪶❤️

Have a beautiful day

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree

So simple

 Peace ☮️ 

Love ❤️ 

So simple a task 

Seems too much to ask

And yet would 

Simply make our world 🌎 

A better place

A happier orb 

Spinning round 

In space 

African wild dog family values

 We live for the pack.

We play we run
We rest together,
When our day is done.
When one of us is ill,
We pick up the slack,
Bringing food and comfort
Until good health comes back.
We chase our prey,
We have to eat.
We do this to survive,
No easy feat.
But love we do and
Care for our own
If you are born into
Our pack
You are never alone.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Little shy

 Little shy 

Away shall fly 

But not before

I take 

this pic

And then 


Happy Wednesday

 ❤️🪶🦜💚Wednesday wisdom😄have a beakysnootiful day💚🦜🪶❤️

We boids were born to be sniffed.

You humans created to sniff us 

No use trying to resist 

Our  aromas so 


However humans we will 

Not return the favor 

We will bite instead 

Humans available in so many

Different flavors 

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Clouded leopard

 Beautiful and endangered treasure

clouded leopard

ray of light

your beauty shines

all day and


Another day extraordinary little big cat in big trouble

As it is meant

Fur belongs on whom it was born, not by the vain and frivolous, worn!!! 


 ❤️🪶💚🦜happy tongue out Tuesday🦜💚🪶❤️

Sometimes it fun to be rude 

Sometimes i sticks tongue out 

As a prelude 

To grabbing mommy’s earring bling 

Yes dat is a boidie thing 

So oblivious and unaware 

This human is 

And I no care

(Jewels easy to grab

When hair not there🤣)

But mommy never lets me get 

The jewels 

She give me a finger to chomp

Instead (fair trade I  ain’t no fool)

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree

Monday, November 27, 2023


 A metaphor for life if there ever was one🤪

Life as a rose

 A bud by miracle made 

Elegant eloquent 


Sun moon and shade 

Slowly a flower 

As time ushers in


part of 

The  inexplicable 

World we live in

Winds and wonder soon give way

To the daily inevitable known as change 

The flower judges not nor projects

The intangibles it cannot protect 

So quietly in its dignity 

Makes way for new branches 

On life’s ever growing tree 


 ❤️🦜🪶💚have a most lyrical Monday miracle💚🪶🦜❤️

Monday is not exactly a fave 

About this day human rant and rave 

But without Monday blahs

Friday wouldn’t be as

T.G.I as it could  be 

So find a finger on which to chew

If not a bead will just have to do😀

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree

Friday, November 24, 2023

You never know

 You never know what you’ll find 

On a day

When you choose to look ahead 

Instead of


Hugejean and megapidge Friday

 We approach the world as a team 

Before we met 

This was our dream 

How blessed we are that we see

Each new day together 

As two “I”s and a we.


 Depression is real. And it tends to rear its hurtful ugly head during holiday times, when some are reminded more of what isn’t than what is. Gratitude does not cover the bases of depressions bleak playing field. Loneliness and isolation do. If you are depressed, try to reach out instead of in. And if you know someone who is depressed, reach for them. 

Their lives could depend on it 

The road

 The road leads to 

The road comes from

Who we were 

Who we will become 

But in truth we will always be 

What is inside…

Our quintessential “me”

So do not be deterred 

By others and their 

Stops and/or  yields 

You are you 

And what you feel 

Unless they know a better way

If not they don’t have much 

To say 

So keep on moving 

Your own way 


Grape vulture

 ❤️💚🪶🦜happy forget yer diets Friday🦜🪶💚❤️😄

Pardonez moi this aviculture

Have you yet met

The legendary

Grape vulture😀

Later today I gets another beak procedure done 

Poking and prodding not much fun 

But I gets sedated and anesthetized

(Mommy jealous cause I gets to spend the whole day high😃)

But seriously mommy and daddy very worried

We all hopes I recover in a hurry 

I cannot wait to get my newly refurbished state of the art beakysnoot 

My biteses will be more powerful and I’ll be even more cute

(If that’s even possible😉)

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 ❤️🪶💚🦜🎃happy, healthy, safe and humane thanksgiving wishes  for all beings☮️

Pteribird in heaven and magic Mikey still here on earth with us

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Will you

 Will you still love me when 

The youthful glow fades away 

Will you still love me 

If my mind starts to fray 

Will you love me still 

If still and silent my petals fall 

Will you love me for me 

With no conditions at all

Or perhaps such notions 

And dreams are not real 

Is love nothing more 

Than let’s make a deal 

The many

 The many colors that we see

The many more yet to be 

November 20th is national absurdity day

 Oh yeah yeah I just hoid 

Today is Monday

That concept in itself is absoid

But each day is biting 

New opportunities 

For I dis boid 

So in the silly and ridiculous 

Find some fun

Have a most beautiful day



MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary

Keeper of two humans 

And boidie makes tree 


Saturday, November 18, 2023

The rainbow bridge

 When you were here you were the light

You made everything seem

Like it would be alright 

Now strong somehow we must be 

Though you have gone to


We know you are waiting at the ridge

We shall meet again 

At the rainbow 🌈 


Our hearts are here

Never far 

You send us stars ✨ from wherever you



 I gets grapes for breakfast 

I extracts their juice 

So fine 

Mommy extracts her grape juice 

From a bottle…

And it’s called wine 


MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary 

Keeper of two humans 

And I da boidie 

Makes tree ❤️🪶💚🦜😀


 ❤️🪶💚🦜have a most grooveous weekend🐉🐲😎

Friday, November 17, 2023

Life in

 Life in its contrasts and colorations

All sorts of scents, 





Everywhere mysteries

An ever opening book 

Just open your heart mind 

And take a look 


Hiding dove

 Hiding dove in the leaves

Knows what she knows 

And believes what she 



As i wait

 As i wait 

I suppose 

I might as well 

Strike a 

Pretty pose 


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Be not

 Do not your inner glow


Silenced by detractors 

And/or refractors 

Who cannot hide.

From the light 

Of your goodness 

As it steps outside 

Be not bowed

Nor by others anger cowed

When you let your anger go

As you grow 

The shadows will never 

Contain your spirit 

If only they understood 

How to respect it 

Not fear it 

The warmth of your glow 

Touches all who are near it 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 If your spirits start to droop 

Perhaps you need a 


Mommy says when she depressed 

Beakyboops are the best 

And when you start to feel alright 

Then it’s time for a beakybites 


November 15th is national drummer day

 ❤️🥁🎶yeah yeah i wanna bang on the drum all day😀or maybe I biteses it 

It’s also wet dragon Wednesday so bring on da soggy percussion 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


 Be dazzled yet 

Close by says I

But what’s behind

Or is it ahead 

I guess tis better 

To stay bedazzled 


Monday, November 13, 2023


Fall so languidly , into pillow dream sleep, cushioned by hope and promise 

Above the stark forbidding cold 
A light shines brightly

Monday morning

 Yep it’s Monday 

a brand new week

Best way to start 

Train a human 

To rub yer beak 

Humans must learn

That no matter what’s 

They gotta do 

You da boidie rules 

And nothing comes before you 😀


MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me

DNA tested male with an ovary


Sunday, November 12, 2023

World kindness day

 November 13th is world kindness day 

Why wait until tomorrow

Waddya say 

World kindness every day


Wall of fall

 We move at a pace 

Distinctly our own 

But we are on the same page

And together we have grown


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Happy Veterans Day

 Without those who serve where would we be 
So we honor those past and presently
Thank you for your bravery ❤️🇺🇸🙏🏼

Friday, November 10, 2023

Nighty sweet night

 ❤️🪶💚🦜nighty sweet night

Don’t let da bed boids bite🦜💚🪶❤️

I really awake 

Ssssh don’t make a peep

My humans wanna gimme 

My medicine so I

Pretends I asleep

This our secret 

Need i say more 

You ever hear a parrot snore😀

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT🦖dats me 

DNA tested male with an ovary

Where to go

 Where to go 

When you just don’t know 

Flap your wings 

And fly 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 Whenever the blues get the better of me 

I look at our adorable little hero 

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖


And I remember how beautiful life can be 

And the miracles we are blessed to see