Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 30 is national adopt a shelter pet day

 We are available in all ages and sizes 

Filled with love and sweet surprises 

We eagerly wait for you to see

The beauty that is the shelter pet,


Love is furever 

And love is free 

Adopt don’t shop

Thank you ❤️🙏🏼

Saturday, April 29, 2023

My loves

❤️🪶🦜 My loves speak volumes in their  gentle silence🦜🪶❤️

April 29 is world veterinary day

To the veterinary practitioners and staff
Who treat me right 
Who take great care of me
And almost like my bites 
My humans and I 
Are filled with gratitude 
Even when I display 
My boidie attitude 
Thank you for caring
And doing the best that 
Can be 
You help my humans too 
When you helping me 

Happy veterinary day!

Friday, April 28, 2023

Hugejean too

 One day ms dove decided to be a pigeon 

So she puffed and inflated herself 

More than a smidgen

Hugejean observed 

Quite bemused

To this adoration 

He supposed  he 


Get used 

Hugejean colors

Pigeons are a rainbow of feathers 
And fluff 
Of the beauty of these birds
There is never enough 

When there is

 When there is sense to the senseless 

Strength in the defenseless

No shadows in the night 

Courage more than fright 

There is always light 

April 27th is love your thighs day😜

 April 27th is love your thighs day 😜

Ode to da flab

Oh thighs you hold my habeas corpus up

Oh how sweet

But you could do the same job with without 

The cellulite 

Who needs the cottage cheese and or leg jello

I’d prefer my legs solid okay


Below the knees things okay

But above 


Flubber go away 

So rattle roll 

But lose the shaking 

That never goes away no matter

How much exercise we

Are making😀

Have a most grooveous 🎶You 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

If only

 If only together we could dance 

Embrace  the music of your voice 

Another chance

To share those moments we adored

That together here on earth 

Are no more

But time has chosen a different way 

So goodbyes we had to say

As copious as our tears may be

We know

You are now safe in god’s company 

As you dance among the stars 

In the vastness of sky

Bonds are forever 

Love never dies 


 He greets the world with spikes

And barbs 

One can get just so close 

Without risking harm

Afraid to hurt 

But only himself 

So he shivers 

Under his armor

Alone on his 


April 26 is international guide dog day


I have eyes but I cannot see

Yet I know there is a world

It is all around me

I have ears but I cannot hear

But I know I am safe when

You are near

I sit in this chair, I cannot move

My legs or arms

With you by my side,

I will not be harmed

You are my soul, my body

My friend

Our trust is forever

The bond that shall not end

In dog we trust🐾❤️🐾❤️

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April 25 is world penguin day🐧

 Winds and ice,

Not very nice.
But mom and dad
Make it not so bad.

There are several species of us.
But some of us are endangered

Monday, April 24, 2023

I became mother

 I became mother to my mother’s memories 

Keeper of the things she never told me 

Reading between the lines 

She never read to me

Lives only hinted at 

Deep covered in her history 

Holding them close I 

Hear her cry

Why she lashed out at mostly, 


The generations of misery 

Hunger and need 

As I understand now her 

Emotional greed 

I became mother to my 

Mother’s memories 

As I kiss them goodnight

So tenderly.

Etched forever 

A part of me. 

Biggie a.k.a. Hugejean

 I sit

I feed 

I watch 

I wait 

I love 

I fly 

A pigeon 

Am I

The droplets

 The droplets life affirming rain

Kiss the petals of flowers 

Again and again 

As in dreams we flourish 

So sincere 

And wait for the sunshine 

Drawing ever near

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Feet week

 ❤️🪶🦜sending Sunday smiles across the miles🦜🪶❤️

Feet week was April 17th through today the 23rd 

Mommy late to post this

She drags her feet 

(What a nerd🙃)

Anyway as we all knows 

This week is really about celebrating 

Birdie peets

A.k.a. 🦖 🦕Dino toes ❤️🪶🦜😀

Have a most grooveous 😎🎶MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖wrecksncutesfromfeetsestobeakysnoots

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Happy earth day 🌎 every day

 ❤️🌍Happy earth day Saturday🌍❤️

We wish 

 to thank you, our earth mother.

You are our world. There is no other.

Thank you for how you sustain.

The sky,seas, desert, forests snows and rain.

So please earth mother, dry your tears.

There are many who love and appreciate

You, here.

Who will never stop protecting

This paradise we were given,

And who are by kindness and compassion,


Happy Earth Everyday!

#EarthDay #earthday2023 #earthdayeveryday

Thursday, April 20, 2023

I look up to the sky

 I look up to the sky 

When I do not

 know why

When answers elude 

When questions linger 

I listen to the quiet voice 

There are things that remain 


In that knowledge I rejoice 

The mystery of flight

 On wings light 

Birds get it right

We are still their


Try as we might 

(This an actual photo I took, not an app)

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

In those moments blue

 In those moments blue 

Tired and worn

By the gifts of nature 

I look upon 

I heal 

I feel 

The magic 

It’s real 

Pigeon pride

In ourselves we

Stand tall 

Whatever misconceptions 

You have us 

We do not care 

At all 

We are proud to be 

Members of the nations of




April 19 is national banana 🍌 day

 ❤️💛🍌😃happy Wednesday and banana daze😃

Bananas one of the fruits I crave 

At times it even is my fave 

But to share it I must be schmoozed 

Or by kisses coerced 

I loves my daddy 

But parting with even a 

Bites of my banana


Sharing is caring 

Or so “they” say

But I’d rather keep it to

Myself anyway 

Magic Mikey keeper of 2 humans who are slightly bananas🤪


Tuesday, April 18, 2023


 We are together 

You and I 

Together we sit

Together we fly

April 17th is blah blah blah day

 ❤️🪶🦜happy Monday April 17th which also happens to be blah blah blah day😃

Before yada yada there was blah blah blah 

So sheepish the human’s baa baa baaa

Them humans verbally ramble much nonsense 

I squawk get to the point 

I cannot take the suspense 

Eventually they find whatever meaning, 


But by that time

I have fallen asleep 😴 

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖wrecksnpecks

Here they are trying to look “normal” but we knows better 😃

Aoril 17 is bat appreciation day

 The world of bats

To some so strange
A world of fear
A world deranged
But in the dark
Can you see
What they consider
As it glows and leads
The way
So they can be bats
Another day
and help us humans
As they play.

We need them. They need us!

Sunday, April 16, 2023


Colors and hues 
Remind me of
And where we were 
When we glistened, 

In my feathers

 In my feathers  I stand 

Proud and grand 

In the way I live 

And what I understand 

April 16th is save the elephant day

 How blessed we are to be on the same planet as the magnificent , regal, highly evolved, sensitive, magical being known as the elephant.

We as a species would be far more relevant 

If we aspired to be more like

The elephant ❤️🐘

Words cannot express what a gift they are 

In the silence of sound
A deafening roar
What will happen
To the world
If we hear it, no more.
It is said that an elephant never forgets.
Can it also be said that we will never forget elephants.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


 She let her 

petals be gently caressed


The light

That fills her 


World anime day

 ❤️🪶🦜a weekend most grooveous to all😎🎶

April 15 world anime day 

I thinks I gonna photobomb 

My mommy today 😃

And about this she got

Nothing to say ❤️🪶🦜

MagicmikeycuteasaurusT 🦖wrecks4surehumansarecaricatures🤪

Friday, April 14, 2023

The world of wings

 Oh how wonderful wings must be 

As they do their jobs 

Most capably 

Birds are so cool


 when the  heartmind is open 

We are whole

As we experience the joys 

And wonder 

Of a morning’s stroll 

Beauty abounds 

It all around 


Red-winged blackbirds

Birds are so cool😎

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Siesta best

 Siesta best 

Our siesta best 

Is when together 

We rest 

After foraging for food 

And tending to our nest 🪹 



Happy Friday minus ➖ one

 ❤️🦜🪶happy Friday minus ➖ one🦜🪶❤️

Every day i am grateful 

And thank the heavens above

And pray that someday 

Every being  will know 

How good it feels to love 

And be loved 🙏🏼

Magic mikey and dis my papabeaky

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

How we start to build

 How we start to build

How we start to build in increments 

Little sprigs 

Then larger twigs 

A foundation made to withstand 

The ups, downs and sideways 

Many not planned 

We work together in unison 

Strength from love 

And pride when the work is done 


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Baby flower

 Baby flower did not get the chance to bloom

But surrounded by love he was 

From hearts with infinite 
