Sunday, July 31, 2022


 Beneath the waves of knowledge you profess

Is little of importance I guess 

Empty meaningless veins of thought 

Garbled together 

Mostly for naught 

Though glimmers of candor

At times peer through 

It is your lies and your dander 

That define you 


 Befuddled by life’s contortions 

Strange proportions 

Many distortions

Saturday, July 30, 2022

We sit in love

 We sit in love

We breathe our love

We will never

Leave our love

The ladybug dreams of dragonfly

 the ladybug dreams of dragonfly

the ladybug dreams she is
a dragonfly.
soft pastel moments
floating by.
as on her loving
leaf sits she.
dreaming each
as it would be
if she did not
awaken from
her reverie.



how i love those
on the wing.
music in flight
rumors of fancy,
that soar.
thoughts that wonder
and ponder...
searching for more. 

Friday, July 29, 2022

I look

 I look at the blue gray 

Blank unknown 

At times like this

I feel alone 


 We are a team

At work and play


We stay 


 What would it be like to fly 

Pretty little dove

 Pretty little dove that I see

Looks like she is leaning on

The tree 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Mrs puffalump

 Mrs Puffalump showed up too 

A busy bird

With much to do ❤️🪶


 Puffalump perches 

Front view and rear

Oblivious to the phototaker

Sitting here.❤️🪶📷📲


 I only know what I see 

 Not what’s in back 

Or in front of me 

Sometimes I sleep 

Other times

I leap 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

How the

 How the world looks today 

Pretty colorful and in

The mood to play 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I seek

 I seek the world once free and green

In summers kind

Few humans seen

No metal monsters 

That rise tall

Or rumble on the ground 

None at all

We know our former 

Lives have passed

But how much longer 

Can this world last 

What I see

 What i see through the eye of age

A few regrets 

Some moments sage

Sprinkles of joy

On a canvas torn

A heart that beats love

And by love, worn

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 With footsteps in 

Determined syncopation 

The grace and beauty 

Of pigeon nation 

Courtyard friend

 With a little food

In a magic place

Look who allowed me into 

Her private space 🪶😎❤️

Baby sloth


i am slow.

for me,


is no other

way to go.

i will get there


what is the rush

i have all day.

i am a baby sloth,

and i have 

much love to


so humans, please

find the patience,

to let me live♥

Saturday, July 23, 2022

And for what

 And still…war rages, people and animals displaced and dying? and for what.  🙏🏼🇺🇦☮️

If asked

 If asked what makes your


Essence whole

I’d answer

It is the beauty of 

Your precious


Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 Yeah yeah Thor schmore 

Don’t wanna hear it any more 

Your movie make $$$money

Guess that nice 

My beak is funny

And it bites 😃❤️🦜🪶

Magic Mikey keeper of two humans king 🤴🏻 queen 🫅 and everything in between self appointed feathered deity and overlord part time Bon vivant and toned down feathered wild child DNA tested male with an ovary Thor your hammer 🔨got nothing on me

My memory, fails

 My memory fails 

Words struggle to be found

Lost I am

Myself not found 

Tomorrow no answers 

Today not clear 

Who is this person

Who greets me here

I miss the speed which 

Once guided my thoughts 

Once taken for granted 

Now for naught 

Will you love me

Will you care 

As you look for me 

Lost in this 


Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 Wallflower smiles

Never glum

She will bloom 

When her time 

Has come 

Monday, July 18, 2022

I stand in my pride

 I stand in my pride

I know who I am

I live by my rules 

I do not judge 

Such frivolousness 

A luxury I 

Embrace not 

Nor wish to attain

My world is 

What is and what I do

World listening day

 There is joy in silence

If you listen

Your heartbeat hears 


Love lights glisten

Soft whispers embrace 

The clamor and din

Sit and listen 

To the world we

Live in ❤️

Sunday, July 17, 2022

We are kakapo

 We are kakapo

Just in case you
Did not know.
We live by night
We lack flight
We prefer
The ground
but we do
Climb around.
There are so
Few of us
That remain.
We need your help
So please explain
To all that do not
That we are part
Of the landscape
And essential
To our land.
Thank you for reading
And learning a bit
About us.
We are humble

Yet mighty
And do not
Want to make a fuss.

African wild dog values

 We live for the pack.

We play we run

We rest together,
When our day is done.
When one of us is ill,
We pick up the slack,
Bringing food and comfort
Until good health comes back.
We chase our prey,
We have to eat.
We do this to survive,
No easy feat.
But love we do and
Care for our own
If you are born into
Our pack
You are never alone.

Saturday, July 16, 2022


 We cling on to the enormity of every little progress 

We revel in the joy of that progress, praying  it is more than wishful thinking. 

We quietly crumble when the other way things turn

Standing at the doorstep. A portal of fear and cautious hope. 


Then at night we shut the light, awash in the waters sometimes turbulent but with love overflow 

I caught

 I caught a glimpse of life

Before the rain ran 

In the way 

Friday, July 15, 2022

July 16 is world snake day🐍

 We slither

You wither

No reason for that

We are essential to

Earth environment 

And that’s a fact 

Some of us have venom

So be aware

Those of us who are invasive 

Humans put us there 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

World orca day

 Today is world orca day 

Orcas dream

We dream of oceans,

Not swimming pools.

Where we can live by

Our own,

Not human


We dream of our pods.

Our unbreakable bonds,

That spread over the seas,

And far beyond.



 Our aerie the garage 

Overwhelmed by humans 


How long it takes

We don’t care

We’re not going 


Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 Wherever we go

We go in

Many worlds

Monday, July 11, 2022

Little doves

 Little doves live in a happy land

Coos and wing flaps 

Rarely planned 

Elephant within




All irrelevant 

If we humans 

Were more

Like elephants 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

We are the three

 We are the three 

We are family

We see the world 

Quite differently

We have our quirks

Each as one

Together whatever 

We love 

And have fun 

Friday, July 8, 2022


 When asking for miracles 

A miracle itself  is in the asking 

Thursday, July 7, 2022


 Gem takes  a truth 

No twists no turns 

No hidden meaning 

say one thing

When opposite meant

No time for games

Wasted time spent