Monday, June 29, 2020

the simplicity

the simplicity
the veracity
and grace of
mother nature's


beyond the naked eye at times
the beauty outstanding
that inspires rhymes.

the ifs among us

the ifs among us
looming tall
the whats they whys
the reasons for
it all.

beauty in blue

whatever you do
whatever you knew
beauty in blue
it has to be true.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Little shy

Little shy has a secret way
Her thoughts to herself 
Afraid to be 
Yet so much to give
Has she.

Friday, June 26, 2020

White caps in the sky

White caps in the sky
I wish that I could fly
Surf among the clouds
She whispered to herself

Three part concerto

Three part concerto
Summer voices
Heralding nature’s

Flower field

Flower field
butterfly wings
Our world is filled
With beautiful

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Straw hat sunbrero

Straw hat sunbrero
Sits on his own,
Neither caring about,
Nor aware of
This world,
So demented.

Monday, June 22, 2020

crepe paper flower crinkles

crepe paper flower crinkles
kissed by the hand of nature
and covered with
invisible magic

by light

touched by the light within
to feel the grace of light,

We see

We see our life orbit as a paradise 
Enjoying every breath
As we won’t go around 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Welcome to

Welcome to a world
Within a


The secret place of gnomes, dreams and wishes


Looking up imagining a tropical Jurassic paradise with an odd sorta modern edifice ๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿฆ•and a hint of Tuscany

Big world little bird

Big world do not be rude
I am a little bird
And i want
Some food!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Toggle petal

Toggle petal flower switch
Wants peace on earth
Oh wouldn’t that be

Friday, June 19, 2020

Blessed by

Beautiful our world so
Blessed we are๐ŸŒธ


you know the world is reopening when your landline starts once again suffering from a 'spamdemic and it's coming to a mobile near you

Into the clouds

Head befogged by dreams her heart can no longer deny.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

like tendrilsparkles

like tendrilsparkles
yellow lightning

little flower carousel

little flower carousel
loves her life
and knows it well.


In our wildest of dreams
Things really are
As they seem.

Our hands

Our hands a wall
Of love, so tall
Hate cannot permeate
Not at all

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Welcome to the imagine-nation

Welcome to imagine-nation
Where warmth and beauty

Plenty full

A world of plenty
These warmers days.

You talkin to me

Human time to stop
Your foto fiesta,
This sleepy pudgy rodent
Wants to take a

Monday, June 15, 2020

Ladybug on velvet greens

Ladybug on velvet green
Lives to see but not
To be seen.

once upon a beakyrime

mother nature decided to hatch
a beakysnoot with a bird
the nose appeared,
said she, oh my word
what an awesome beakysnoot
but i forgot to make the bird
so back to the drawing board
she went
such a happy time she spent
creating the parrot
claws and toes...
after all there has to be
a life support for that
squawky  beakynose
and thus the parrot arrived
here to linger.
aforementioned needed toys
so mother nature invented
the fingers.

my name is magic mikey and this is how i adopted my humans:

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Heartflower embraces

Heartflower embraces all on her orbit,
Their sorrows to repair.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

dog eared snailflower

dog eared snailflower
has a story to tell
a saga that only she knows well
so to herself she will keep
this secret never to sell.

Petal wings

Petal wings
Open heart
Flowers sing.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Garage eaglerama

What do I see in my
Concrete cave
A world I love
And want to save

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Broccotree says
It is better to stand
Up straight,
Than be a side dish
On someone’s

Do we old people dream in our state of old

In dreams my age is not defined
All the trappings of aging,
Left behind.
My soul bared sometimes
Harshly or
Reveries of inner life
Often confusingly
Old faces appear
Problems no longer here
Sometimes solved
Flashes passing in the
As fantasies inner workings
Spread their wings and take flight.
Dreams not hobbled by the state of biology,
Nor controlled by the torments of
Hormonal psychology.
In those moments
We are freed
And whoever we are
Or wish,
We can be.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Irreverent flower

Irreverent flower does not care what we think or say
Going to live an irreverent flower life,

Friday, June 5, 2020

i look upon the chaos

i look upon the chaos below
this is a world i do not want to know.
life is simple, loving is what it is  allabout.
caring for those in our orbit
not for screaming and shout.
the hate and screed
i do not understand
nor will i try
we should all do our best
before we die.
heal what is hurting
fix what is in need of repair.
humans you can do better,
if you dare.

i pretend that i am a swan

i pretend that i am a swan
concrete lakes to glide upon.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

We found

We found each other
Close we grew
Our hearts forever 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

she dreamed it was reigning purple flowers

she dreamed it was raining purple flowers
under their fragrant blanket
she could last for hours.
reveries pretty
thoughts soft and in verse
not a trace of the angry
or the perverse.

Once upon a time there was a butterfly

once there was a butterfly
who wanted to see how
high she could fly.
up into the air
approaching space
as the people below
looked up,
awe etched on each face.
the whole world watched
and waited with glee
as the  butterfly flew
so joyfully
higher and higher
the winged one did
as those on earth
could not see her anymore
they asked their friends and
neighbors, their families
could she be gone forever
no this cannot be.
the earth herself sighed
a breath so sweet
as all her children
gathered round her feet.
no guns, no fighting,
no partisan citizenry
only people united
in the butterfly's reverie.
and as she returned
from the moons welcoming
the world of people
one loving place.

Lunch patrol

Time to grab a bite to eat
My family is hungry
I hear their tweets❤


Arms and hearts open
Always hoping

Monday, June 1, 2020

Pretty wheel

Pretty wheel
How do you feel
Like the pointed star
That you are

hands across

hands across

hands across
so many colors
all as one
in peace to
share a
world of


Staring at the changing space.
Will I ever really feel safe
In this place.