Monday, December 30, 2019


2020 a clear vision
perhaps to make
the right decisions.
2020 a place to see
perhaps the goodness
in humanity
2020 a time to reflect
that the best has not
happened yet.
2020 clarity
love, peace for all
and harmony.

garage eagle cuddlehuddle

do you see we,
as we see each other
most lovingly.


unbowed by winter's cold
the inevitable of growing old.
as we complain of aches pains
and all the rest.
to be here to experience all this...
we are blessed.

pine clone

pine cone spinosaur
from the  imagination of
a dinosaur

Friday, December 27, 2019

if i could

if i could have
do not know
if i would have.
mindset in descent
while the rest
in ascent.
or perhaps in reverse
not meaning to be
in this bundle of noise
still one of the boys.

would it

would it be too much to ask
or perhaps a far too Brobdingnagian
to make 2020 a years of total kindness
and put all the years past of
cruelty behind us?

Monday, December 23, 2019

mr and mrs biggy

the biggys begin this brand new day
in their biggy usual way
warming up their bones
then off to make this
day their own!


once upon a peaceful night
a dream
was finally achieved
kindness ruled where cruelty
once reigned
and in compassion all
the animals in their own way
gleefully rejoiced
at last the world
had heard their


 <3 span=""> love is a magic wand. and if it finds you, sprinkle and share <3 span="">

Friday, December 20, 2019

once upon a butterfly and the moon

once there was a butterfly
who wanted to see how
high she could fly.
up into the air
approaching space
as the people below
looked up,
awe etched on each face.
the whole world watched
and waited with glee
as the  butterfly flew
so joyfully
higher and higher
the winged one did
as those on earth
could not see her anymore
they asked their friends and
neighbors, their families
could she be gone forever
no this cannot be.
the earth herself sighed
a breath so sweet
as all her children
gathered round her feet.
no guns, no fighting,
no partisan citizenry
only people united
in the butterfly's reverie.
and as she returned
from the moons welcoming
the world of people
one loving place.

joy to a world that needs it

spread love, peace and joy
to all far and near.
not just this time,
but for ALL of
the year.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

through the light

through the light we emanate
we can overwhelm

zazzle dazzle

this is my little zazzle store
happy images and
fun galore.
stuff cheap too
though not i.
tis true.

please take a peek

Monday, December 16, 2019

some things

some things cannot be tasted
by simple explanation
they live in the realm
of imagination.


though it appears a loner i be
i still appreciate kind company
ones of feathers downy and soft
to keeps me moving positive
spirits soaring aloft.

train station eagles

we sit here watching you,
what a hoot.
dashing dans and danielles
on your daily commutes.
as your lives revolve around
the clock
we sit here plotting our own
little alfred hitchcock

the little girl dreamed

the little girl dreamed
of a string of pearls
whose love embrace
went all around
the world.
she closed her eyes and
felt that magic touch
of love we all need
so very much.

Friday, December 13, 2019


We never wonder why we fly
It’s something we do
Together, too

Monday, December 9, 2019


Afraid to look
Just the way
That i defied.
Integrity maintained
The cost is

we are moments

we are moments before
our time is passed
each second an hour
each hour gone.
too fast.

Friday, December 6, 2019


old man winter
i have had enough
so speaks pretty


Here we sit. Nobody came. Please don’t forget us. Don’t forget our names

please many beautiful companion animals with a world of love to offer you

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

winter fandango

winter fandango wash away my blues
i feel like i am drowning in soggy old shoes.

national cookie day

🍪national cookie day🍪
It’s national cookie day. Unbattan down your hatches and break out the cellulite 🍪🎶😎mangia bene time to play!

Monday, December 2, 2019

a sparkling

a sparkling touch
though chilly,


💘happy anniversary to my humans...magic mikey💘
They see each other by age unmarred, not hurt by life nor battle scarred

Friday, November 29, 2019

even senior citizens cry

even senior citizens cry
not just because they
are afraid to die.
they cry because they
want to live,
love and be loved
find ways to forgive.
find a path forward
to inner and outer  health
seniors struggle, too
with sense of


We try to find the bluest sky. Sometimes we can, sometimes we cry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

so near and




The kingdom of peace is but a heartbeat away




Monday, November 25, 2019

our blessings counted

as tensions mounted
our blessing counted
it is not what we lost
or how much the cost
if is what we found
when we looked around.
holidays can be quite trying and arduous, but they don't have to be. try not to dwell on that which cannot be altered or brought back. focus instead on that which can be created, enhanced or simply appreciated.


learning enlightenment is time well spent.
kindness grows where the heart is sent.

Friday, November 22, 2019

when i need the sun

when i need the sun
when it is dark inside
the sadness comes
no place to hide
i look to what
our earth has given
and by those gifts
and beauty,
healing is driven.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

beauty there is

beauty there is in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

if ever

if ever i falter
if ever i cry
if ever if ever
i decide not to try
if ever if ever
i turn slowly away
your love brings
me back.
each and every


when it is time
and that time is soon
to fledge and find
a special room
to raise a family
of my own.
how quickly it seems
that i have grown.

Friday, November 15, 2019

the little berry holiday

the little berry holiday
alone with nobody else
to play.
but going to celebrate