Monday, December 31, 2018


a world where all can grow, fulfill their destinies in loves sweet glow

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Pudgy pidge

pudgy pudge pidge in winter time
Wishes the season was as short
As this rhyme.

Friday, December 28, 2018


the most precious gifts are those moments
where love shines through
whatever darkness surrounds us.

how do we wish

how do we wish for that
which seems
more than impossible
the province of dreams
do we close our eyes
close them tight
and hope when they open
all will be

Little frio

Little frio 
Says hello 
Curious and cautious 
Does he know 
How cute he is
And how we 
All animals 
Such as he...
off he runs,
Always late.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

With the heart of a dove

With the heart of a dove
She approaches the world.
No pomp no stealth.
Just being herself.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


we are but a mere thought
an after
a naught
until we absorb
the truths
of the lessons
we are

Monday, December 24, 2018


it is so cold up in
This tree but
We are blessed to
Have each other
And warmth
Like no other


wishes like raindrops,
as gently they  fall.
on hearts and ears open
love answers the call.

wishes like flowers
every season they
be they yours or ours
hearts always
have room.

wishes like magic
kissing all
as they pass by
wishes not broken
so nobody cries.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Clouds ominous and overcast

clouds ominous and overcast 
The world it changes 
Very fast 
But as a flock
A feathered swarm 
We will weather any


As I look at the earth below
My gulleye senses tell me
Where to go.

Friday, December 21, 2018

you are here

though out of sight
you are here
day and night
i see you,
your love
your laughter
who you are
though gone from
heaven is not
that far.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

lovey dove on cusp of winter

lovey dove waits
alone she be
the pigeons used
to keep her company
seasons change
they prefer the
roofs above.
so pretty and lonely,
this little dove.

my flight

my flight never far
from where you are.


Your heart is the star that guides you home.

Monday, December 17, 2018

there is grace

there is grace in kindness
compassion and caring
there is grace in loving,
reaching out and sharing
there is grace is all that
god has given
there is grace in being
by ones heart,

thank full

we age and we see those we love come and go we go on loving, living and losing but blessed we are to still be in this life that god has given us. as touched by sadness we are especially at holiday times, joy still surrounds us .. and if we reach out, we can feel the love.

Friday, December 14, 2018


life for we gulls can
be kinda crappy
but we are strong,
tough and scrappy
so i sit here and enjoy
this little chill.
got much to do
but no much time
to be still.

Monday, December 10, 2018


she dances alone
because she can
it does not matter
if anyone else understands
perhaps it would be better
if they do,
then they could dance alone,
together, too

seasons greetings

spread love, peace and joy
to all far and near.
not just this time,
but for ALL of 
the year.


uno sits in this tree on
such a crispy day
winter looming

uno sits and observes
whenever change comes
he knows it well.

uno contemplates all
and takes stock
before he flies off
to rejoin his

little birdie three tree

little three on the
birdie tree
so nice of thee
to pose
for me!

Friday, December 7, 2018

heartfeel beauty

as we all are, heartfelt
as heart feels beauty
sends beauty
beauty is love
and love makes all things

little dove peace tree

i am not a real dove
as one can see
but here i live
on this peace tree
praying for all beings
and humanity.
a sparkling presence
of kindness
flickers in the sun
as joy, love, health
and happiness
shines bright
on everyone.

Monday, December 3, 2018

garage eagle puffpuff

it is cold outside
here i roost
wish a friend or two
would stop by
and give my spirits
a boost.


we are scrappy
we are tough
most times our lives
are very rough.
but over such trivia
we have no time to mull.
we gonna survive
cause we are gulls!


we who
are all struggling to find joy this holiday season. we have lost some we love and we miss them. we worry and stress over some still here with us and feel so alone. gratitude is not seeking us out, it seems, but we can find much to be grateful for, though that task is truly brobdingnagian. we have a wonderful crew of peeps here. we are as one and as one we stand together..we have companion animals, here and/or in our hearts. we have the greatest gift of all...the capacity to is this gift, forever unwrapped by kindness, that sustains and sustains us all.