Friday, June 29, 2018

i am

i am the face of experience
a life truly lived
common sense,
mistakes made
whatever it be
at least

is it up or down

is it up or down
sad or clown
make your choice
your life

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

pinx and whytes

How pretty are we that stand together, different at times..
we are forever 

where once

where once a tree
a mountain crag
a man made

Monday, June 25, 2018


you can call me
whatever you
i call myself
i sit on this tree
looking reptilian
better take that pic
fast human.
i cannot sit

my world i see..garage eagle lore

my world i see
of hardened mountains
oceans of moving
my world is not perhaps
but it is the only world
i know.

little mix

little mix was in a fix
too much living her
life in pics.

Friday, June 22, 2018

for koko

humans taught koko a lot of "human" stuff
but koko taught humans that this was
not enough.
koko taught all who knew her
that commmunication
could be achieved with love
and dedication.
she was far from her natural
comfort zone
but she did what she could
to feel "at home"
her story is both humbling
and it inspires.
to find our own inner koko
we should all aspire

rest in peace
on angel wings


love is a rainbow, a spectrum of
some of great joy. some in need of healing
love is a blessing love never dies.
love does not keep you guessing..
love always tries.

Spikes and pokes

spikes and pokes
Plants and spokes
That and more
Of which


Deceit is that most peculiar and dubious of luxuries primarily practiced by the human race.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

be the pigeon

the pigeon has not time
to ruminate
foster hate,,
if they linger
times too far
they could be hit
by a car,
or perhaps a falcon
flying by
garage eagles
do not have
the luxury of
good cry.
if they ponder too long
or rest
another could take
away their nest.
the pigeon does not
waste time on that which
cannot be fixed.
there is no toxic
in their mix.
be the pigeon
to survive
each second a  precious
to stay alive.

so hides the heart

so hides the heart
the tender part
beneath the
leaves that defend
defenses upon which
she must

Monday, June 18, 2018

without you, view...happy 95th birthday

the sunlit view  seems dimmer now
without you

happy 95th birthday on angel wings, papa... though not in our sight, still in our hearts

Saturday, June 16, 2018


pinkles sparkle
from within
with sunlit accents.
taking it all in.

mantis plantis shrimp

with the heart of an imp
becoming a plantis mantis
ready to defend
in the world of

Thursday, June 14, 2018


mouths wide open
as they bathe in sunlit

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

of a wedding

of a wedding the little girl dreamed
she drifted away from her life
as it seemed
loving flower kisses
embraces and soft words
so different what
she usually

Monday, June 11, 2018


what is true intelligence
a balanced blend of the creative
and common sense.
learning to fit into the world
not mold it around oneself
caring about the world
we live
and about its health.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

a little

a little piece is missing
had somewhere to go
now there is room for
another to grow.

the little bee and the dangling bells

a little bee drinks from these
dangling bells
the stuff of a lifetime
in those wells.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

circus berserkus repost

the circus is in town, what do you see?
as i look out at you, and you look in at me
do you see me as a large, roaring captive toy, 
or do you look into my eyes, just know pain, no joy.
do you giggle and point as you mill around my cage,
in my terror annoint as i seethe in rage.
do you not understand that my roar is a shout:
open up the cage door and let me out


pic of papa and i in the mid 1950s

The world looked safer from her papas shoulder
no one got sick no one got older
she could feel so brave and tall
there was nothing to be afraid of at all.

Friday, June 8, 2018

papa jack lyons

papa jack lyons 6/18/1923 to 6/5/2018
my papa has joined the congregation of angels
what you we say about papa jack.
he was a man of great contradictions: he was a ww2 war hero who despised war and what men did in its name. a decorated veteran who did not want a flag draped over his coffin. he did not like birds but every day he asked both hubbysito and i how our magic mikey was, if he ate, did he fall again off his perch.
he was one tough, strong man but at his core, a vulnerable little boy.
he was fiercely independent. he went to work at the age of 12 and whatever he earned in life, he did it on his own. nobody helped him get to where he did and although at times this made him bitter, he took great pride in his achievements.
he loved with all his heart and was loved with all of ours.
he adored my husband and we will forever cherish the beauty of that relationship. the two boys would solve the worlds problems, agree to disagree about politics, though both were always right in their opinions, of course. he hated donald trump and whenever he was blue and feeling lousy, hubbysito would mention that mans name and papa would perk up and we would all start laughing.
he lived on his own terms, (at times questionable),but we all
made sure he held onto his cherished independence until his last breath. he was a loner but he drew that last breath in the presence of all of those he loved and who loved him,
i chose this picture of him because, as sick and close to death as he was, work had to get done, bills had to be paid. the essence of a no nonsense dude with a great sense of the absurd and a dry wit.
we love you papa. we all wish we could call you to say good morning, spend time with you, then call you later to say goodnight.
you held on so long because you were worried about how we would hold up...we will hold up and uphold your legacy.
if you wish to leave a message on the link below to honor him, please do. does not matter if you never met. we are all one on this earth and as one our heart beat in both joy and sorrow.
thank you papa for giving me life. thank you god for giving us papa.
rest in eternal peace, embraced.
if you wish to say something,here is the link
thank you

Monday, June 4, 2018

here we are

here we are
in harmony
all together
we have a
uniquely our
when we are
not together
we are never

Sunday, June 3, 2018

redgreen lush

redgreen lush
tis a pity
the so called
real world
is not
this pretty.

as i survey

as i survey my life
in the shadows,
a light within
me shines.

loop dee

loop dee a caterpillar dreams to be

Friday, June 1, 2018

if there

if there is a choice
be the voice
if there is a way
do it today


To grow is to learn
To learn is to grow
There is never enough
Kindness to know