Monday, February 26, 2018


to see through eyes unclouded by
time, prejudice
to see to the very heart
from a heart willing
to see.
to walk in those
with feet willing to follow
through eyes unclouded
and looking towards


spun by undone
by care
intelligent life
really is

if eye could c

if i could see
behind what
was by curtain
and by distance,

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday, February 23, 2018


mirrors and smoke
dust that collects
moments in still life
walls insurmountable
never held

a rose in repose

a rose in repose
never grows
but it holds secrets
that nobody knows.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

if by

if by love
a world appears,
embrace each moment
so fragile and dear.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


from where we sit
a world so far
ahead we flit,
from where
we are.

Monday, February 19, 2018


animals hurt
animals cry
animals mourn 
when someone they
love dies.
animals care
animals heal
animals are truth
and they know
what is real!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

please be

people out there...please be kind...if you need help with anger, please please get that help before you harm another being...don't let your inner workings destroy the world inside and outside of you.
you have one life, and it is a gift. so make your presence here a gift, not a curse, to others.
thank you to those who already get this and to those who perhaps will.
lives depend on us, what we do or do not do...
treat all others as you wish to be treated,
or you are no more than an expletive,

world pangolin day

happy world pangolin day...celebrate and save these magical beings

Friday, February 16, 2018


and when the sounds 
of hooves,
like thunder
once again roar.
peace shall prevail.

the lives

the lives in tears
for those no longer
the lives in chaos,
and fear.
our heads are
hearts bathed
in tears.

rose in a glass

Heart felt lifted 
Like a rose in a glass 
How tender and velvet 
In dark green morass
Although petal moment
Soon to scatter 
While in the glass 
It does not matter 

looking leaves tree

if you look closely at this birdie tree
you will see
that one of those leaves
is birdie,

Thursday, February 15, 2018


here i sit
calling for spring
what can i
it's birdie

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


sending the world a happy valentine
wishes for peace in this little rhyme
a loving orbit in which to spin.
ah how nice a world we could
live in.

Monday, February 12, 2018

from the hurt

from the hurt
i wish to fly
away so high
i cry.

be not by winter

be not by winter winds
let not the cold unhear
your words
let your truth
reach towards the sun
and sky
the you you really are
will never die.

lang widge

our hearts are the fabric on which love writes its quiet, secret language

Sunday, February 11, 2018

we flock

we flock to destinations
to those who watch
and sometimes us.

be lift

be lift the fog
before she fell
those dancing words.
she knew so well.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


you have your daytime routines
we do, too.
and we do what

Friday, February 9, 2018


made up her mind
to enjoy each day.
but she never had
much to say.


our universe is a miracle never to be truly understood..
which is as it should be..
such is the nature of miracles 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

that clarity

that clarity when
all seems befogged

Monday, February 5, 2018


be kind
be sweet,
with a heart,
in this
you will never
see defeat.

a world

a world so far
yet barely reaching
i can touch.

Friday, February 2, 2018


 dedicated to all those who survive
 those who thrive
 those we are so glad are alive..
dedicated to the hearts that beat, gentle sweet..
those whose path is their own street.
dedicated to the bruised contused, perhaps ill used..
you are our no need to be confused.
we see your beauty as it glistens
to your life of courage, we will always listen

love me for that time

love me for that time,
love me for that time,
love me as the tide
washes away the
glitter that is
now old.
love me
for the moments
that cannot be
bought or sold.
love me as the winds
which way to blow
and we cannot hide.
love me
as i love you

in colors

in colors i dream
blacks and whites
darks and lights
shades of something
not to be seen
when day light
the in betweens

my zazzle store

i have a little zazzle store
with fun stuff and
there is so much more
prices right quality
is a one...
so check it out
and join the

Thursday, February 1, 2018

the ragged beauty of the indomitable spirit

some of us have not had downy lives.
we have stumbles, not all of our own making.
some of our battle scars are within,
hidden to the eye, but visible to those
who can see our breaking hearts.
some of our wounds are all too apparent,
and there is no looking away.
do not pity us. we do not pity ourselves.
we are too busy living.
we are survivors. still here to do battle
with the torments from within,
and whatever life throws at us.
we are here to love,
and to be loved.
we have not given up,
nor will we ever.
we look forward, feathers
or no feathers.
perfect, not in our outer trappings,
but in the ragged beauty of our
indomitable spirit.
courage has its own
magical embrace.

my story: