Saturday, October 31, 2015

mikey totally adorable

do you see more than just the little bird i am, the bright, sparkling eyes.
the feathers that are not. the ones where they should be.
do you see a being lost in your world. because his is a dream,
do you know i have a you.
i am here now, in this moment.
my history lives with me, but does not define me.
but it is why.
can you look into the envelope, strange and
inviting, reaching for knowledge
and accepting what it gives you.
can you go beyond the boundaries of your
perceived self,
and see

what am i

an ocean creature that swims below
or perhaps a flower that sings of so
many and infinite possibilities

splatter natter

splatter natter what world
creates that does not
appreciate the grandeur.

autumn orange graces

autumn orange graces
of green.
sunlight laughter
glad to be seen.

Friday, October 30, 2015

if love be

if love be what
we make it,so
take the hate
and let it go.


the bright
so grand upon
which i land.
my feet.

up on the palette

upon the palette
our creator
a world of gratitude,


my moving feet and racing
be still by beauty
not hard
to find.


our slumberdreams not
defined nor overtaken
by the shackles and the
finite of situational
our waking moments,
in reveries tinted
by the real,
but the real dreams
never muted.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

night lion cubs

between day and night
fear and delight
we wait
we watch
we learn.

Monday, October 26, 2015

part of the last

we are part of the last
hard we hold on
as the sun no longer
warms us.


autumn warm
kind colors
i will try not
to dwell
on the freezing
next that comes
after the


we have started to fly
to learn our terrain.
then into the world
with its challenges and
growing garage eaglets

urban pampas

urban pampas
concrete deserts.
forbidding to some.
but here,
i walk.
garage eagle

Sunday, October 25, 2015

autumn worlds of undulation

undulating shades
earth tones dancing
nature's love so
warm and


do you see me as wise
with my large open
do i absorb what i see
is that how you
see me.

re: discover

i went forth and back
fro and to.
wherever whenever
there is always

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

a tinge remains

a hint
a tint
a tinge
of what
time as not
and it is that
little dab
of the brush,
that inspires.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

clouded leopard

clouded leopard
ray of light
your beauty shines
all day and

Monday, October 19, 2015

we too

we two see clouds
and sun and rain
each day we two
start our lives
over again.
we bud
we bloom
we wilt
we fall
but grateful we,
over all.

sunshine flower

sunshine flower
i beseech
share your beauty
spread your reach.
try to help all
people see
that there is sunshine
to be found
if one looks

Sunday, October 18, 2015

miles of online zazzle store

my online store...poetry.paintings, photos and fair prices too!


my online zazzle store...for smiles across the miles

my little zazzle store...available worldwide...if you like any photos, please let me know...thank you♥

for miles of smiles little zazzle store☺♥
my online store...available worldwide
find your part of the world and enter karenlkalmenson in search☺♥

Friday, October 16, 2015


how goes our heartbeats, so goes the world

your love

your love
in droplets
gently caressing
the arid heart,
in need.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

garage eagle nursery rhyme

you might see our world
as dismal beige
and gray.
but we do not see
our world
that way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

garage eagle moments

some moments
yet all are gone
too fast.
today is yesterday's
and tomorrow's


if you are wondering what
if you are asking yourself why...
i am a nocturnal primate
called an aye-aye.
i live in madagascar
and i am endangered, too.
that is why i introduce
myself to you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

rows in order

if only life
was organized
in little rows.
why it is not...
heaven knows.

Monday, October 12, 2015

the road

the road
and thinks not
of where why
or how
it is going.

a rose

i see you
a rose
by thorns
even if they
are unseen.

last summer roses

we are the last summer roses
as fall pushes in.
the sun bathes us
in glory...
so goes
our story.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

remembrance embrace

memories fall
like flower petals
yet our heartminds
choose to perceive
them in

Friday, October 9, 2015

a drift

if truth is set
adrift in
a sea of falsehoods,
it can still
find a
place to anchor.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


winds and ice,
not very nice.
but mom and dad
make it not so bad.

she runs to flowers

she runs to flowers
swims among the
warm velvet petals
and  leaves of
green beauty,
and kind.
and so
a safe harbor,
she finds.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

stripes and circles

stripes and circles
sweet metaphor
our worldly wonders...
and so much more.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

clock, me stop

me stop
this time
so fast.
the seconds
feel like forever
so soon they
are past.
the moments
a montage
sweet being
into that
now just images
when inward,
me seeing.

Monday, October 5, 2015

the lull

the lull between wars,
when peace prevails.
by human nature,
will the peace
be assailed.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

toqqi toucan

toqqi toucan
they love their
on it they all

Saturday, October 3, 2015

mikey macaw

hello peeps, critters and beaky snoots.
looks at me and my pink leg
and of course my profile
any thoughts to the contrary...


my story:

magic mikey macnoblebird king of macaws, just beclaws, part time tenured picklepuss and sir poopalot, the poet clawreate, snugglebuggle to the nth and zen master of all food bowls and water bowls, including those i poops in and conqueror of old man winter and mommycam and mondays and woodstock nation and climber of all things throne including human shoulders aka mikey littletoes and little green papaya and petunia ...petunia???, mommy i a boy..and baby baboonia and fatboy slim and babysbreath birdie lime greenius liittle big beakyboss mr crop mr chop little green baby dragon boy and maestro of the beakybites and dr squawkenstein and dizzy izzabeakyboy and rice cakes dragon and king nosentoesen I, peach blossom parrot,astromikey, magic mikeyverytall and crazylegz magerker, little green crunchkin, punky rooster♥

Friday, October 2, 2015

life is a tree

life is a tree
loving care it needs
to flourish,
life must be nourished
so tenderly.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


we swim the seas
our belugaland.
we raise our families
we make our stand,
our icy world,
is paradise.
people leave us

that would
be nice.
we just want to
hunt and play,
to live our lives
the belugaway
we are not cute
we are living whales,
so when you are in 
the arctic,
just say hello
then set sail.