there is no way
for me to explain
to you or to
those things that
pass as confidences,
damaging our health.
no way for me to
the craziness
so in i go
tis time to mend.
a heart that
cannot hide.
the flowers inside you
will always bloom,
if within your heart,
you have enough room.
love to spare,
love to be given,
by love and kindness,
your inner flower,
we will sing to you
sweet lullabies.
so no more sadness
no more cries.
to take all the bad
things that happened
because we love
you more
and more
each day.
move over shakespeare
i beg your pard.
you may be a poet
but i da bard.
i molts a feather, i uses it as a pen. (okay you writes a good one every now then) if credit is what you seeks, i shall name myself magic mikey shakesbeak!
mikey macnoblebird king of macaws, just beclaws, part time tenured
picklepuss and sir poopalot, the poet clawreate, snugglebuggle to the
nth and zen master of all food bowls and water bowls, including those i
poops in and conqueror of old man winter and mommycam and mondays and
woodstock nation and climber of all things throne including human
shoulders aka mikey littletoes and little green papaya and petunia
...petunia???, mommy i a boy..and baby baboonia and fatboy slim and
babysbreath birdie lime greenius liittle big beakyboss♥
we walk this path
sadly not in unison.
of different gait
are we.
our destinations
in between,
but our arrivals
and last stop,
in this spirit
and the basic
truths it embraces,
why can we not
just walk,
yes you are gone.
though my days
seem the same
on the surface
of things.
i go about my
business as
i do not see you
i cannot touch you.
but you live in
my heart
and i am touched
by you,
too late sorry
from reality and
soul and spirit
walking ones own
bypassing manmade
makes better understanding
of the past
and happier
mama's hawk came to visit
most every day.
then mama passed and
she went away.
now she visits with papa
so tired and weak he be.
she reminds him
of mama's company.
and visit she will do
until it is time
to go.
the secrets of earthspirit
that only birds
can know.
the air bristles with excitement
birds sing with glee.
this is the day you would have
reached 90 years.
spring and its beauty
surround but
our hearts filled with
and yes we miss you
and wish you were here.
we take each day
we live with it.
we process and
we grab onto the
things we like.
and try to forget
the rest.
each second of each
24 hours
a moment not repeated.
although good days
not guaranteed.
we will not be
today i wishes to say... everyone haves a happy holiday... passover, easter or maybe none of the aboves... have a joyful weekend... filled with beakybites and love.
peace, love, nutriberries and beakybites clucksquawktweet
mikey macnoblebird king of macaws, just beclaws, part time tenured
picklepuss and sir poopalot, the poet clawreate, snugglebuggle to the
nth and zen master of all food bowls and water bowls, including those i
poops in and conqueror of old man winter and mommycam and mondays and
woodstock nation and climber of all things throne including human
shoulders aka mikey littletoes and little green papaya and petunia
...petunia???, mommy i a boy..and baby baboonia and fatboy slim and
babysbreath birdie♥
winter comes
with a new
year in tow.
ice palace beauty,
sometimes snow.
spring arrives
with its pretty
summer smiles
we smile too.
autumn falls in
as leaves fall too.
mother nature
has four seasons
and so much
to do.