Sunday, September 30, 2012


life is a to be written, book.
but you will never know
its beauty,
unless you look!

photo taken yesterday with my tired, trustyworthy blackberry

we are our heart

we are our heart, not what we own,
the feeling part, that never has to atone,
the part that is open, no matter how or where,

we are in life, the part that always cares♥


laugh long,
laugh hard,
laugh until it
give the blues
and sadness,
their just

no time for frazzle, happiness lives on my zazzle!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

a new painting begins

a new painting begins,
to do so, a gift.
for so long i was
in my mind's
aimless drift

friends, flowers ball and butterfly in process

raindrops on leaves

if you could live your life,
as raindrops on leaves.
in the moon and the sun
would you believe?

photo taken today!

Friday, September 28, 2012


never draw blood, draw only things of beauty.
kindness and compassion, our only duty,
to live our lives, the best we can,
for the betterment of animals,
and the animal, man♥

fill me with love

fill me with love,
fill my heart.
tell me that we will
be apart.
tell me that everything
will be okay,
that our love will grow
every day☺♥☻

for senior dogs

I am  a senior dog

Maybe there is some grey on my muzzle
That does not mean I cannot nuzzle
maybe my step has lost some spring
but winter can be a beautiful  thing
maybe at  times your voice I don’t hear
but I feel you, loud and clear
you are my reason
your love keeps me going
through every season
it just keeps on growing
don’t turn you back on me
because I’m not young
I have heart enough for twenty
And a great sense of fun

the faces of

the faces of comfort,
in troubled times,
when what is needed
is more
than sweet words
and sweet rhymes♥

she lives with ghosts

she lives in the past,
ghosts live in her head,
long ago she should have
put all those ghosts to bed.
her view of the past,
idealized self-delusion,
as she pulls others down
into her inner confusion.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


since kindness does not cost a dime,
maybe more people should try it

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

a prayer

a prayer for love,
a prayer for peace,
a wish that all hate
and bigotry
would cease.
that we could live in a
world, be who we choose.
in the world of now,
everybody will lose

heart island

in our hearts, together, our island of tranquility dwells,
cozy and safe from life's large and small, hells

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


an early rise,
to greet the day.
autumn's glory
and state of play

photo taken with my tired and trustyworthy blackberry

Monday, September 24, 2012

good night

the stars, alive
the sun, takes flight,
the moon, ushered in,
it is time for
goodnight ♥


sending love, good vibes and smiles.
from the tips of my old fingers,
across the miles☺♥☻

Sunday, September 23, 2012


i walked the circle,
its borders soft,
round and round,
my heart was tossed.
so then i chose
to break away.
another circle awaits,
on another day.

a world, united

a world united
by a heart that
all borders
can be crossed
as long someone
love is THE power♥

world rhino day...reprint for the rhinos

We are rhinos and we love to graze
In the sun, we laze
but poachers will not
leave us alone
if you want a horn
grow one of your own!!!!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

please remember

please remember that there is nothing
sadder or stranger
than a planet inhabited with all its species,
so help out rhinos, eles, all the animals you can.
saving our brother species,
also saves man☺♥☻

a blind dog

i am blind but i can see
everything in front of me.
i follow my ears, my nose
and my heart,
which really is the
"seeing" part.

Friday, September 21, 2012


regrets pile up like untended dust,
silencing the glitter, cheering on
the rust

the colors move

the colors move,
they change,
they go.
the seasons pass
yet somehow,
they know

photo courtesy of my trusty, tired, blackberry

Thursday, September 20, 2012

a touch of autumn

a touch of autumn graces the green,
spectacular colors, soon to be seen

 photo courtesy of my trustworthy, still does not give a %^$$%&$  if it is obsolete, blackberry☺☻

for patrick...reprint to share the love


hero heart
patrick you are an inspiration,
you touch the hearts of people
in every nation
you teach us that strength
and character matter
in spite of a life that left you so shattered
we are cheering you on,
every step of the way
as you work to grow stronger
day by day ♥

meet my new online store

do check out my new online store...filled with original artwork creations and so much more☺☻

thank you♥


if you look at it all,
we are so blissfully,

photo taken 9-19-2012 with my trusty blackberry

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

we are of oneness

we are of oneness,
we are two,
i am me,
you are you.
we walk this planet
hearts in hands,
this world that we
do not understand.
but muddling through,
each and every day.
a smoother path
for all,
for this we pray.
and in our silent,
we rejoice
in each others

happy wednes

this is the link to my online store,
you will make a great big smile
when you open this door...
artworks, funstuffs and
so much more.

thank you so very, and have a wednesday, merry!!!


practice kindness,
until you get it right
then hold onto it
very tight♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the world gets

the world gets small
the world gets large,
the question is,
who is in charge?

we see

with our eyes and hearts,
we see with great clarity.
how humans and animals
should be treated...
no  disparity.
compassion and kindness,
they are what is real♥

Monday, September 17, 2012

we are dogs

we are dogs,
we live for you.
you are the focus
of everything we do.
and even when you
are no longer here.
in our hearts you forever
and we hold you dear♥

see suns

autumn falls,
spring leaps in.
winter slides.
summer never
wears thin

Sunday, September 16, 2012

in search of quiet

in search of quiet,
amongst the inner noise
ramblings, turmoil,
and other unwelcome "joys"

Saturday, September 15, 2012

the beauty of the universe

let the beauty of the universe,
inspire you to kindness,
music and
gentle verse♥

photo courtesy of my trusty, dusty, but never rusty, blackberry

Friday, September 14, 2012

a gentle roar

a gentle roar
a call for peace,
for reason and sanity,
for hatred to cease.
for people to realize
that we are all the same,
whatever our backgrounds,
our lands or our names.
a gentle roar,
around the world, heard.
for love and forgiveness,
and many a tender word

Thursday, September 13, 2012

what is

what is simple.
what is profound.
guess it depends on

whoever is around.

photo courtesy of my trustworthy, does not care if it is obsolete or not, blackberry

razzle dazzle this is my zazzle

my online store
with art and such,
sure hope you all
like it, very much☺☻

in summerfall

in summerfall,
before the leaves
turn brownish red.
inner images of winter,
surround my head.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

and now, the day after

and now, the day after.
a time to heal.
hope peace and love
will soon

be real♥

Monday, September 10, 2012

the spirit of the people of the earth

the spirit of the people
of the earth,
living their lives, unconcerned
about its worth,
as they blessed their loved ones,
lived their lives, knowing
that the earthmother
built their hives.
and in an appreciation
of the bounty they were
to live with respect
and harmony,
the goal to which
they were driven☺♥☻

Sunday, September 9, 2012

sweet birds in flight...9/11 remembrance

sweet birds in flight,
sweet away, the night.
bring peace and love.
to the earth's delight.
on wings of glory,
singing nature's song.
a happier verse to
a story,
of a world,
gone so wrong

the world it spins

the world it spins,
as it drifts through
in search of the sun
and the moon,
with its gentle

razzle dazzle

razzle dazzle
my new store
on zazzle!!!

have a most groovy day☺♥☻

Saturday, September 8, 2012

upon a time

once upon a time there was a
shining blue orb.
sunlight flooded everything,
and it was eagerly absorbed.
eons passed slowly, species
came and went.
the earthmother looked at
the oncoming wasteland,
as time, probably

for the innocent cetacean victims at taiji

the seas spill with red.
many innocent cetaceans,
this is the 21st century,
time for kindness instead.
this beyond barbaric cruelty,
too hard to comprehend.
a rhetorical question...
when will this bloodshed
ever end

Friday, September 7, 2012

to all good people,
far and near,
a world of good wishes
and mucho good cheer☺☻

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


we are one of many,
we are many of one☺♥☻


an online adventure,
something new.
however it turns out,
i will not be blue.
but of course,
if it all turns out well,
i will be beyond happy,
as you can probably

Monday, September 3, 2012


i want to smile,
i want to laugh
life is hard,
but it is also a gaffe
humor saves.
humor restore.
humor raves,
but humor
never bores.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


september comes,
the crickets call,
farewell to summer,
hello to fall☺♥☻

photo taken last autumn with my trusty blackberry